Lmao I love how half of you thought Error died--
❤️💜55k MMMMMMM💜❤️
---Geno's POV----
I slammed face first into hard concrete, crying out as my body crumpled and I was flung into another wall before stopping, crashing onto the concrete floor once more.
Loud groans rang out around me and I blearily opened my eyes to see the majority of the others sprawled out across the room in tangled heaps.
Something gripped onto my side, and I looked down to see Reaper weakly forcing himself to sit up by my side. "G-Geno...?"
I gripped onto his hands, shifting closer. "I-I'm here Reaper, d-don't worry..."
A sudden scream rang out, and everyone immediately looked over at the black hole in the wall that was the entrance we were flung through.
Nightmare and Cross were sent flying through, looking like they were about to smash into one of the walls and surely snap at least half the bones in their bodies.
But at the last second Nightmare grabbed onto Cross, wrapping his tentacles around him in a sort of orb before he slammed into the wall, absorbing all the impact for him before going limp on the floor with a thud. Cross tumbled out of his arms, immediately clinging to Nightmare as he thanked him, checking him over for injuries.
A cackle rang out from the dark entrance we were thrown through and we all whipped around to see X floating by it, holding a struggling Chara in his grip.
"Say goodbye to your children~" He purred, grinning as the invisible hand around Chara tightened, making him thrash about more as he choked.
"DON'T YOU DARE HURT THEM!" Dust yelled, scrambling to his feet before attempting to jump up and back out of the room, hissing.
X simply laughed, clicking his fingers.
Within a second the opening disappeared, replaced by solid concrete wall.
Dust slammed into it before stumbling back and collapsing into Blue's arms, groaning loudly. "Well that worked..."
"O-Our kids are out there with that monster!" Lust called, desperately kicking the wall as he shook, clearly panicking.
Horror grabbed him from behind, trying to calm him as he struggled. "I-I know Lust... B-But kicking the wall won't help them, it'll only tire you out..."
Lust whimpered, burying his face in Horror's chest. "H-He's gonna kill them all..."
"Not if we can help it..." I muttered, leaning against Reaper slightly. "I-I'm not about to let Goth and Raven die while I sit here unable to do anything."
"Same here." Reaper growled.
"Oh shut up Reaper you've not even been control of your own body for half the shit we've been through." Nightmare hissed weakly, his back making a literal snapping sound as he sat up.
Reaper growled softly, but didn't say anything. I mean, it's the truth after all.
Nightmare glanced over at Error, smirking as he saw that he was unconscious and bleeding on the floor. "Heh."
Ink growled at him, but didn't make any moves, knowing Nightmare's tentacles could easily snap him in half if he wanted them to.
"S-So what now?" Blue asked, clinging tightly to Dust.
"We try and escape." Horror said, standing up again. "Surely we can just teleport out, right?"
We all watched as Horror closed his eyes, concentrating as he tried to teleport himself out of our box-like prison.

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanficSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...