Shattered Soul

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Uh imma put my Deltarune fanart at the top of this chapter since y'all be hating me by the end :'D

Uh imma put my Deltarune fanart at the top of this chapter since y'all be hating me by the end :'D

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Lmao I tried--

And mmmmmmm Boii Kris is dEfInItElY my favourite and kaxjjxjsjsbbd I tOtAlY dOnT sHiP hIm AnD rALsiEl--

❤️💜44k biatches💜❤️

---Cross' POV----

It's been two days since X forcefully ripped mine and Chara's soul apart to make separate halves for each of us. My chest still hurts horribly, and the feeling of having half my soul missing is so unnerving it's making me feel ill. It's almost as if half of me has been torn away, leaving half of me empty.

Chara seems to be taking it worse than I have. He's been throwing up everywhere, his system not accepting the change from a ghost to a physical form. His body keeps trying to reject his soul, but X injected him with something that prevents his soul from freeing itself and coming back to me.

It's almost as if he enjoys watching us suffer. Wait, who am I kidding? Of course he enjoys watching us suffering. That's his favourite thing in the whole world to do. Most people are exited to get home from work, get out of school, go off with friends or see their lovers. But the thing that X takes most pleasure in, the thing that he looks forwards to most is torturing people he thinks deserve it.

Yesterday he tried to see what our soul's pain tolerances would be now that they were separated. He had us screaming for mercy in minutes, falling to the floor as we begged him to stop the pain.

He definitely enjoys it whenever he hurts us enough to do that. The sadistic side of him brakes out fully. He simply grins, shaking his head as if to say 'Sorry boys, I don't understand what you're saying'.

I dread to think of what he could do to us today. I'm terrified that he'll take my child's soul. It's so weak and fragile at the moment from all of the torture X has done to me that it's constantly shaking, looking as if it's about to shatter. I've tried everything to help it, using up any of the little energy I have left to try and feed it. But I know what's coming is inevitable. The soul is dying...and soon it will shatter completely. I just hope it's not done by X...


I glanced over to my side blinking as Chara came into focus. "Yeah?"

Chara shakily got to his feet before stumbling over to me, tripping over his feet at the last bit so that he was sent flying to the ground, collapsing and going limp by my side.

"You okay?" I asked, gently brushing the white hair out of his face with a shaking hand as he looked up at me.

"No..." He mumbled, groaning as he forced himself to sit up. "I feel like today's the day..."

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