100 MORE AND I'LL DO A ShItTy FaCe ReVeAl ThAt No OnE rEaLlY wAnTs--
---Cross' POV----
Something had happened. X had been in our cell, preparing to do something to Chara and I when suddenly sirens went off, blaring alarms ringing throughout the whole complex.
X had stiffened, seeming almost panicked as he dropped the injectors he had been holding and checked something on a phone. Security footage probably.
And then he just up and left, running out of the cell and leaving us there.
I stayed curled up in a ball on the floor, not answering.
Chara shifted over to me, patting my shoulder lightly. "D-Do you think those alarms could be from the others coming to save us...?"
He sounded so hopeful it made my half-soul ache more than it already was.
"I-I hope so..." He mumbled to himself. "But even if it is's no guarantee that they'll be able to find us... O-Or that they'll survive trying to find us..."
I didn't respond to that either, simply hugging myself tighter as the memory of X crushing my unborn child's soul played over and over in my mind.
"C-Cross? C'mon...please don't be like this...w-we need to work together, remember?"
"Moving about won't change anything..." I mumbled defeatedly. "We can't leave this cell...we can't ever leave this cell..."
"D-Don't think like that Cross...N-Nightmare could literally be on his way to save us!"
I looked up at him hopefully, wincing as he gently wiped away the tears running down my cheeks with his sleeves. "Y-You really think so? D-Do you really th-think the others will have c-come with him to save us?"
"Cross...he's so in love with you that I wouldn't be surprised if he came all the way here to free you all by himself. No help. Just him. So try be a little positive. Just think that soon enough you could be happy in his arms, not having to worry about this anymore..."
I smiled weakly, slowly uncurling from my ball. "Th-Thanks Chara...I-I hope you're right..."
He rolled his eyes, snickering. "Oh you should know by now Cross, I'm always right."
Normally I would have laughed at something like that. Buy currently almost all the joy and humour inside of me as just faded into non-existence. The only thing I'm holding onto now is the desperate hope that those alarms were caused by my friends and soon enough Nightmare will save me.
Suddenly an incredibly loud bang rang out, and both Chara and I jolted, whipping round to stare at the door, our eyes wide with fear.
Maybe X had came back. Maybe the guards had been sent to kill us. Maybe other asylumists have escaped and are trying to get in to kill us.
Instantly my whole world froze and the breath was knocked from my non-existent lungs.

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanficSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...