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---Fresh's POV----

We'd now been walking for about five hours. And oh boy, it didn't seem like we were gonna stop anytime soon.

Error was currently leading us, and was pushing us further than the majority of us can handle. Sprinkle had fallen asleep a few hours ago and was now limp in Dust's arms, mumbling nonsense in his sleep.

Desire had also fallen asleep on Horror's back, having being to tired to keep walking anymore.

Half of Nightmare's kids were also asleep, or on the brink of sleep. The smallest one was asleep in Incubux's arms, and the other two youngest were being carried by Nightmare. He had them both in his arms, with some of his tentacles curled under them for support.

Next to him, Cross was practically sleepwalking, stumbling along next to Nightmare, having to cling onto his arm weakly to ensure he wouldn't collapse suddenly.

Dream and Killer also looked half asleep, the two of them leaning weakly against each other as they stumbled along, nearly falling over several times.

Reaper seemed okay, but Geno looked quite tired. Raven was clearly wanting to rest, groaning and muttering to himself as he was forced to keep walking along.

Error himself seemed okay, continuing to push all of us along. "C'mon guys. He further we go now, the less travelling we'll have to do tomorrow!"

"Error my legs are gonna fall off if we keep going like this..." Ink groaned, clinging to his husband for support. "I swear to god...look at the others, they can't take much more!"

Error glanced back at all of us, sighing. We did indeed look rather pathetic. I was wincing, my legs burning like hell, screaming at me not to take another single step if I ever wanted them to walk again.

At that point I think Cross just gave up, because his legs gave out beneath him and he collapsed. Before he hit the floor, Nightmare quickly caught him with his two free tentacles, sighing as he glared at Error.

"We're resting. Now."

Error went silent, watching the now asleep Cross as Nightmare laid him gently down in the grass. "There might be a better stop somewhere further on to rest."

"Well then go find it by yourself." Nightmare hissed, glancing around. "It's already dark, we're all tired. There are some trees over there we can rest under, there's a river to our left we can get some resources from. This spot is fine."

I blinked, glancing over to my left to see that indeed there was a river. How had I not noticed that before?

Error sighed defeatedly, nodding his head weakly. "Alright then, we'll rest here..."

Immediately we all stumbled over to the small cluster of trees near our right, immediately collapsing as we reached the thick trunks.

Blue and Dust passed out as soon as they hit the grass, their bodies going limp as small snores escaped them.

Horror and Lust were the same, falling asleep within seconds with Desire cuddled up between the two of them.

Killer flopped down on the grass, sighing in relief. Dream dropped next go him, weakly resting his head on Killer's chest as he curled up, shifting slightly to get comfy as he shut his eyes.

Reaper sat down, eyeing everyone weirdly as he leant against the tree trunk, his eyes narrowed as Geno and Raven curled up next to him, asleep in seconds.

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