---Ink's POV----The massive box was in my office when I walked into it. I hadn't had any warning about it. I just walked in to see to large cardboard box, covered in red DANGER signs.
I blinked, slowly taking a step closer to the box as I pulled by brush from my back.
I scanned across as the box, tilting my head to the side as I saw the note attached to the front of the box.
Taking a quick step forwards, I snatched the note from the box.
"Dear Ink, I found this and thought you could put good use to it...I suggest making it guard...prisoner three hundred and fifty three...from Matt..."
I dropped the note, blinking. Prisoner three hundred and fifty three...
That's Error.
Suddenly the box jolted, making me jump and let out a yelp.
I looked back at the box, a shiver running down my spine as a soft growl emitted from it.
Matt is the man that funds a lot of Craitowns police force. He's forever paying for and or sending in new things that help us catch or keep in criminals. But this is the first time he's brought us something...alive.
"Uh..." I backed up quickly, poking my head out of my office door to see if anyone there could help me.
I called out upon spotting one of our newer recruits. A guy that goes by the name of Xcellence.
He stopped, turning back to look at me. "Yeah?"
I beckoned him over, glancing back at the box as it shifted slightly.
He pulled a confused expression, but started walking over anyway. "What is it Chief?"
I pulled him into my office, pointing at the giant box.
Xcellence blinked. "Uh..."
"Do you know what this is?" I asked, eyeing the box warily.
Xcellence shrugged. "Nope. Why don't you open it?"
A sudden growl emitted from the box, followed by the sound of splintering wood as whatever was in there tried to get out.
"That's why..."
Both of us stood there in silence for a moment before Xcellence bent down, picking up the piece of paper I'd dropped and turning it over to look at the back.
"It says the code to open the chest is five one eight four...and apparently it's been trained not to hurt you..."
I winced, looking over at the giant code lock attached to the side of the crate.
"You wouldn't want to piss whatever's in there off..." Xcellence said, passing me the piece of paper.
I groaned, looking down at the note quickly before stepping towards the crate. I hesitantly entered the code, each number making me even more tense.
As the last button was pressed the crate seemed to fall apart, opening up to reveal what was inside.
I instantly stumbled back at the sight of it.

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...