Breaking Down

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---Error's POV----

I couldn't look as X grabbed Cross from my strings. I covered my 'ears' with my hands in an attempt to block out Cross' terrified screams.

And then everything went silent as they disappeared. No sign that they'd been there in the first place.

Ink looked at me, his expression showing nothing but horror. "Y-You just-- C-Cross--"

I looked down at my feet weakly, guilt already clawing away at my soul. "I-I couldn't let him hurt y-you..."

Ink hugged me suddenly, shaking. "Wh-What are we gonna t-tell Nightmare...?"

At that moment Nightmare himself stumbled through the doorway, his expression frantic. "Cross?! Where is he?!"

I flinched, opening my mouth only to find all the words I'd wanted to say had been crushed in my throat before I could say them.

Nightmare looked over all of us, clearly panicking. "Where is he?! He said he'd stick with you!"

"X took him."

Nightmare whipped round to look at Gradient, his expression murderous. "WHAT?!"

He looked like he was genuinely about to stab Gradient, so I spoke up. "W-We tried to help. B-But X grabbed him a-and disappeared."

Ink shot me a shocked look, obviously seeing through my lie completely because he knew what really happened.

I shot him a weak look back in response, knowing very well that we'd all be slaughtered in seconds if we told Nightmare the truth about what happened to Cross.

"It didn't sound like you fucking attempted to help him!" Nightmare hissed, his expression showing a mixture of fear and rage. "A-And how did X even know we were here?!"

"Maybe he's still tracking Cross?" I suggested, trying to get off the subject of how we'd failed to help save Nightmare's lover.

"Or maybe someone here betrayed us and turned him in, figuring we'd all be safer if we sacrificed Cross." Gradient said, his expression emotionless as he rubbed his neck lightly.

Nightmare hissed loudly at that suggestion.

"That's delusional." Ink said, stepping forwards as he joined in our shameful act of covering up what had actually happened to Cross. "I mean, who here would do that..." He trailed off, wincing as Nightmare growled loudly.

"Reaper." Nightmare hissed, looking back out the doorway.

I flinched, remembering how Reaper had threatened to call Lilitown asylum over here to take Cross away. Maybe that's actually how X got here in the first place...

"L-Lets not make assumptions!" Ink stuttered.

"This isn't an assumption." Nightmare growled. "I'm gonna force some answers out of him whether he wants me to or not."

And with that he walked out of the room, his tentacles raised up behind him like in the video clip we'd watched on the security cameras.

"He's gonna fucking kill Reaper if we don't stop him!" Pj said, quickly running after him with Fresh close behind.

"Pj wait!" Ink called, immediately scrambling after them, Gradient and me following by his side.

We caught up with him just as he reached the main lobby area, and to our horror, Geno, Reaper, Goth, Raven and Palette were there, muttering to each other softly.

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