*cracks knuckles*
Three ships in one chapter?
---Palette's POV----
"You okay...?"
I blinked rapidly, glancing over at Goth. "H-Huh? O-Oh, yeah, I-I'm fine...just a bit shaken up..."
He sighed, holding out a hand for me. "Yeah...I'm like that as well...I-I mean...m-my brother..." He trailed off, sniffing. His already tear stained cheeks twitched, more tears starting to run down them.
"Oh Goth..." I muttered, taking his hand and letting him pull me to my feet. "There was nothing you could have done to prevent that...you know that, don't you...?"
He nodded weakly, letting me pull him into my arms. "I-Its just...I can't believe he's gone...f-forever..."
"He died protecting you..." I mumbled, kissing the top of his skull lightly. "He knew he'd die... But he did it to ensure you would live on... So live for him Goth, live so that he didn't die for nothing..."
Goth nodded weakly, giving me a small smile. "Thanks Palette...at this point, I don't know what I'd do without you..."
I laughed softly, nuzzling him. "You'd be hopeless, wouldn't you?"
I smiled before blinking rapidly as sudden loud screeching rang out from behind us.
We both whipped around, blinking in surprise as we saw something burst from the bushes in the forest, screeching their heads off.
It was the geese.
Behind them, Fluffy lunged up, trying to bite them and assumedly eat them.
The fluffy brown goose launched itself at Nightmare, hissing and honking in distress as it barrelled into his chest, somehow clinging onto him.
Nightmare yelped, instinctively wrapping his arms around the goose to support it as it screeched in fear.
The white one flew into Cross' arms before collapsing, making weak sounds of distress as well.
Fluffy stalked up to the two of them, practically licking his lips as he stared at the two geese hungrily. I think he's planned on making them his next meal.
"U-Uh...bad dog." Nightmare said uncertainly, wincing as the male goose tried to bite one of his tentacles. "Stop biting me you stupid goose! I'm saving your life!"
The goose hissed loudly, and bit his shoulder harshly before settling down slightly, curling up in Nightmare's arms as he death glared Fluffy.
The white goose seemed a bit better than her partner, settling quite quickly in Cross' arms as he pet her softly, running his fingers down her feathery neck.
"How come you get the calmer one?!" Nightmare complained, clutching his injured shoulder.
Cross laughed, watching. "Just pet it or something, I'm sure it'll calm down once it realises it's safe."
We watched in amusement as Nightmare hesitantly reached out to pet the goose, only to have his fingers viciously bitten.
"Sweet mother of--"
We all laughed, shaking our heads. "You poor thing."
Nightmare growled, glaring down at the goose, which glared definitely back up at him before honking loudly and curling up, going limp on his arms.

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...