---Error's POV----
I grabbed Ink and ran, sparing a moment to glance behind me and check that Pj and Gradient were close behind.
The officers shot at us and I quickly dragged all three of them down a random fork in a crossroads of corridors, seeing Nightmare and Cross do the same.
Thankfully the majority of the cops seemed to follow Nightmare and Cross. A selfish thing for me to be happy about, I know. But my family comes before my friends.
"F-Follow me!" Ink yelled, running ahead of me as he gripped onto my hand tighter, constantly looking back behind him to check that Gradient and Pj were following close behind.
I let him lead us through the twisting corridors, trusting him completely. He probably knows this place better than anyone else that works here. "Where are we heading?!"
Ink skidded around another corner, panting softly as he ran. "Somewhere they shouldn't search!"
We rounded one more corner before Ink skidded to a stop at a large set of double doors, pausing before pulling out some keys and unlocking them.
"Be careful..." He muttered before walking inside.
"Okay?" I blinked, walking in behind him.
Oh, boy. I did not expect what came next.
Not a second after I'd stepped into the room, an incredible force barrelled into my side and tackled me to the ground, sending me slamming into the hard concrete floor.
Sharp claws dug roughly into my side and I nearly screamed, thrashing desperately beneath whatever was on top of me.
Suddenly whatever was on me jumped off, and I gasped, scrambling back against the wall until I felt my spine press against the cold wall.
Stood there in front of me, was the dog. The one that had guarded me in my cell. The one with the blood stained teeth as sharp as Cross' knives, black matted fur clumped with blood, and those dark red eyes that could burn right into my soul.
I gulped, pressing myself closer against the wall as it suddenly stood up, starting to stalk towards me again.
"SIT!" Ink yelled, glaring at the demon dog.
It sat, but with a lot of reluctance.
Ink crouched down next to me, sighing as he hugged me tightly. "Sorry Error...I should have been more clear with my warning..."
The demon dog tilted its head to the side curiously, watching as Ink hugged me. It obviously hadn't expected that. Thinking about it, it's probably been trained to attack me, or ensure that I don't escape prison, so seeing as I did earlier, it clearly wasn't happy.
Ink sighed, hugging me tighter. "This is..." He trailed off. "Actually...he doesn't have a name yet, but uh, this is our newest addition to the police force, stolen from the black market and specifically trained to attack you if you do anything against prisoner boundaries."
I blinked. "Right then..."
The dog growled at Gradient, but seemed fine with Pj. He's probably seen him before.
Ink sighed again, motioning for the dog to come over.
It stood up, slowly padding over to the two of us, it's lips peeled back to show it's uncomfortably sharp looking teeth.

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...