---Chara's POV----
Upon seeing X I froze, growling as I immediately summoned a knife by my side. My hand gripped onto the hilt tightly, my fingers curling round it securely as I backed up slightly, eyeing X warily.
Everyone else's reactions were immediate.
Betty stepped by my side, glaring at X as her pink blobby thing flew onto her arm and morphed into a long pink dagger-like blade.
Nightmare dropped Sci, hissing loudly as he pushed Cross and his kids behind him protectively, his tentacles raised and twitching.
Ink and Error stepped in front of their kids, summoning bone attacks by their sides. Ink also pulled out his brush, gripping onto it tightly as they took a few steps back. Their kids stayed by their sides, Fresh joining them.
Geno and Reaper hissed, Reaper summoning his massive scythe while Geno gripped onto a jagged bone attack. Palette, Raven and Goth did the same, sticking close together.
Dust stood in front of Blue and Sprinkle, growling softly. Blue hugged Sprinkle tightly, shaking slightly. The fear of loosing their kid was really getting to him.
Horror and Lust gripped each other's hands tightly, bone attacks ready in their spare hands as they crouched slightly, preparing. Desire stayed behind them.
Dream stood in front of Killer, three balls of summoned fire floating around him. Killer looked helpless, his magic restraint preventing him from doing anything useful.
Sci gripped onto Fell tightly, shaking as he looked up at X. The two of them both had magic restraints on, so they were just as useless as Killer.
"My my~" X purred, his target symbol eyes scanning over us slowly. "Look at all of you lined up~ Aww~ And you're protecting all your loved ones~"
We all growled, shifting from foot to foot as X leaned forwards, letting out another one of those blood chilling childish giggles.
"Oh but I wonder~ Will you be able to protect them~? How far would you be willing to go~? I'm curious to see if you'd sacrifice each other to save your families~ I mean, Error's already proven that he couldn't care less about the rest of you~"
Error flinched, glancing over at Nightmare and Cross, who in return completely ignored him, their gazes fixated on X as he slowly walked closer to us.
"Oh I wonder~" X sighed, his eyes scanning over all of us. "Would Nightmare sacrifice all of you for Cross~? Would Reaper kill all of you for Geno~? Would Dust betray all of you for Blue~? Would Horror let you all die for Lust~? Would Dream abandon you all for Killer~? Would Sci turn on all of you right now for Fell~? It's all a fun game where I'm left guessing the answers~!"
"You sick freak!" I growled, glaring defiantly up at him. "Why don't you do the world a favour and just go die already!"
"Oh Chara~" X whispered, tracing a finger down one of his arms, morphing it into a long dagger. Kind of like what Betty had done. "You should know by now that we're participating in some sick fairytale story~ We're all just mindless puppets assigned to a role by those above~ Don't you get it? We're all just part of some sick entertainment show!"
"You're crazy!" Error yelled, stepping closer to ink. "You're saying absolute bullshit. Just stalling for time!"
X sighed, shaking his head softly. "If you choose to stay stubborn, then I guess I can't hold you back for it. Now, lets cut the 'bullshit' and get to the good stuff~"

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...