---Horror's POV----
I hummed softly as I walked past the police station, pulling my hood up over my head and making sure my temporary scarf was wrapped around my neck, covering my mouth.
I could see police milling about inside and outside the station, completely unaware that the hooded skeleton walking past them was a member of the most wanted criminal gang in the country.
Unobservant little shits.
A few officers cast curious glances at me, but I ignored them. Playing the roll of an innocent citizen out for a walk in the damp, foggy streets. Nope, nothing suspicious to see here officers.
I chuckled, slipping down the market alleyway, eyeing up the fresh fruits and vegetables that were being advertised.
I did have money in my pocket, but what's the fun in going up to someone and paying for food? It's much more exhilarating and exciting to steal it from right under their noses.
I glanced around the largest fruit stall, smirking as I saw that the stall master was busy dealing with a different customer.
I reached a hand out, swiping a ripe mango from the shelf. Humming softly as I continued walking, I slipped it into my large hoodie pocket.
This is just too easy.
As I continued walking the crowds of people bustling down the streets thinned, leaving only me and a few other people.
Soon enough I was alone, walking down the dark and murky alleyways that lead to my destination.
Glancing up, I smirked as the top of some tall apartment blocks came into view over the roofs of other houses.
I continued to walk until I reached the tall set of apartment blocks. There were two of them. And I'm in apartment block A. The slightly better kept one.
I skipped up the steps to the main entrance, waving at Linda, the receptionist, as I walked up through to the stairs, ignoring her huffed complaints of how my grubby feet were dirtying the new carpet.
I've never used the lift, always the stairs. It's an odd habit of mine.
With the sound of Lindas irritable shouting fading behind me, I walked up the stairs, headed for the seventh floor.
Funny story, the people that live in the apartment room next to us know about me being a criminal. They are fully aware that I'm part of the most wanted gang. But they don't care really, they just smile and act like I'm just someone else. Someone normal.
I shook my head, smiling as I thought about them. The two old monsters are actually so kind to us.
I blinked, looking up as I realised I'd reached my destination.
Number seventy six. My apartment.
I reached into my pocket without the mango, pulling out the cheep rusted key with the little smily faced key chain.
I sighed softly, inserting the key into the lock with a quiet click. No sooner than I'd opened the door I was tackled down, dragged to the floor with a thump, a dry wheeze escaping me as the breath was knocked from my non-existent lungs.
"Nooo..." I groaned, going limp beneath my attacker. "You're going to crush the mango..."
Immediately I was freed, and an eager face popped into my vision. "Did you say mango?!"
I snickered, rolling to my feet before reaching into my pocket and pulling out the ripe, slightly squashed mango.
"Give it! Give it! Give it!" He called, reaching out for it desperately.

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...