---Chara's POV----
There it was. The very place where X tortured me, Cross, his brother and my brother almost to the point of death for two of us. Actual death for our brothers...
The building was down a valley, built over a river. I can remember, in X's main office, he had a chunk of his floor replaced by thick glass so that you could see directly into the water. Sure the water was always a little murky, but I can remember splaying out on that glass for hours with Frisk. We would press our faces against the glass, watching with wide eyes as the odd fish would occasionally swim past. That was before he started using us. Back when he actually seemed like a good parent.
That was before he dragged Cross and Papyrus into his mess of a life. They were artificially made by him, so technically shouldn't exist. But they were after all his greatest experiments. I remember when we first met them, I was overprotective of Frisk and Cross was overprotective of Papyrus. And then as soon as we looked away for two seconds the two of them were chatting happily together, instantly friends.
Soon enough we all accepted each other, fancying the thought that we could all be brothers. We thought that we'd get a happy life, one like normal kids. I know some kids say their lives are boring, and they'd do anything for some action. But for us as kids? All we wanted was a normal life. We'd even take being homeless over how we were living.
X had seemed to turn against us overnight, deciding that the way he was raising us wasn't right. So he changed his ways...
Instead of praise, we got abuse.
Instead of meals, we starved.
Instead of love and care, we got rejection.
Instead of being comforted, we were tortured.We couldn't figure out what we'd done wrong, trying desperately to impress him like we used to in the hopes that he'd stop.
But he just did it more... Until one day he completely snapped, killing both Frisk and Papyrus without a second thought. He completely ignored as Cross and I begged him not to, as Frisk and Papyrus screamed for mercy.
He ended their lives without a second thought.
If ever you want a proper definition for the word 'monster'. X is the one you refer to.
I jolted, being torn from my memories as I felt a hand rest on my shoulder lightly. I turned, blinking as I saw Cross stood next to me.
He looked terrified, and the hand on my shoulder was shaking, but he smiled weakly at me. "D-Don't worry Chara...we'll g-get through this..."
I winced, looking down at my hands. "Yeah...I'll try keep my hopes up..."
Cross nodded, shivering. "J-Just try not to think about the bad stuff th-that happened here... A-Attempt to think of some of the good stuff...what little there was of it..."
"Yeah...the good stuff..." I muttered, watching jealously as Nightmare hugged Cross from behind, nuzzling his cheek softly as he whispered reassuringly in his 'ear'.
I wish I had someone that would do that for me. Hug me gently. Whisper little reassuring things. Help me if I got scared. Love me...
Call me creepy, but I had always liked it when I was back in Cross' body. I feel most of what Cross feels, so when him and Nightmare would cuddle or snuggle up together, I'd always get a warm feeling spreading through my body. I've never had any feelings towards Nightmare. That would be gross. Plus, Cross would murder me. But sensing how happy and relaxed Cross would feel when they hugged always made me smirk. Of course I'd never tell Cross that I liked the feeling I'd occasionally feel being passed over to me when they hugged. I'd never hear the end of it.

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...