---Pallete's POV----
"So...what's your backstory...?"
I blinked, looking up from the dust pile I'd made to see Goth staring curiously at me, his eyes scanning over me curiously. "Huh?"
"Your backstory." He shifted closer to me, leaning forwards eagerly. "I mean, you don't have to tell me...but I'm curious. Like how did you end up on the streets, what happens to your parents. You know, that stuff."
I sighed, the force of my breath blowing away the small dust pile I'd made. "Well...I don't actually know what happened to my parents... As soon as I was born I was dumped in an orphanage. Clearly my parents either didn't plan to have me, or they just hated me. From as far back as I remember I've been in that orphanage, with other given up kids. Kids unwanted by their parents. The very people that are supposed to protect you for life. I grew up with a small gang of friends. Two of them were human, and one was a tiger. The very same tiger that chased us down that alleyway and is now my enemy. He was called Dimitri. Then there were two humans, one girl and one boy. Jenny and Dylan.
Dylan was an incredibly small boy, even though he was young, he was much smaller than everyone else at the orphanage, and was basically the size of most people several years younger than him. One of his skills though was climbing things, so every now and then the orphanage matrons would look up to the rafters of the ceiling to see the small boy sat up there, smirking down at them. Dylan was ten when I last saw him, four when I first met him.
Jenny was never someone to mess with. Our orphanage was full of sexist beliefs such as girls are weak, shy, and dependent on men. Oh boy, Jenny was the complete opposite of that. She was five when I met her, eleven when I last saw her. She was famous throughout the orphanage for frequently beating up the other boys that mocked her, or irritated her. Once she even broke some kid called Jack's nose." I laughed softly at the memory, smiling weakly.
Goth looked up at me, seeming incredibly engrossed in my story telling. "What about Dimitri? Was he always dangerous and cruel?"
I sighed, shaking my head. "No... when I first met Dimitri he was eight, older than all of us. He acted as our main protecter, the leader of our little group. He was forever getting into fights, giving and earning many beatings. His arms and back ended up with barely any furr on them by the time I last saw him. He was fourteen then.
None of us liked the orphanage. I had been there since I was born, but Dylan, Jenny and Dimitri came in later, abandoned by their families, or having lost their families. Dylan's family all died in a car crash, and having no other relatives to go to, he had to go to the orphanage. Jenny's parents had adopted her, but then couldn't handle her boisterous nature, so they gave her to the orphanage. Dimitri had abusive parents that drank every day and beat him. They were his only family, so when people found out about his ill treatment they took him away, locking his parents up and taking him to the orphanage."
"So what happened for you to end up out of the orphanage...?" Goth asked, tilting his head to the side as he listen, waiting for more of my backstory.
I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to remember. "Well, we spent six years in there as best friends, doing absolutely anything for each other. And as those years went on, we grew to hate the orphanage with a passion. The matrons were always scolding us for being cheeky and doing things we shouldn't be. I can remember so clearly that one night, after all the lights were off and we were supposed to be asleep, we all met up in the girls dormitory because Dimitri said he'd came up with an idea that we literally couldn't refuse or deny.

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...