---Horror's POV----
We all froze, looking over at the unmistakable figure stood at the end of the alleyway, the visible red scarf flowing out behind him slightly as a breeze swept past.
Immediately we all ran over except for Killer and his friendboy. They walked behind us warily.
Geno winced taking a slight step back as we scrambled over. He looked exactly how I remembered. Half dead, moody, sleepy and pissed. "What are you guys doing here?!" He hissed.
"Funny." Error said with a cold laugh. "We were about to ask the exact same thing."
Geno crossed his arms over his chest, huffing. "I've just been set free. I was walking around town just to see how things have been going on. Bumping into you guys was the last thing on my mind."
"That's funny." I said. "Because bumping into you was the first thing on our minds."
Geno winced, looking away. "I know what you're going to ask...and the answer is no."
I snickered. "So you don't want us to keep your kids alive?"
I burst out laughing, shaking my head. "Nah chill Geno. I'm just kidding. We're obviously going to ask for you to rejoin the gang again."
Geno glared at me, his eye narrowing. "Ha ha very funny. And that's what I thought. The answer is no."
Error let out a hiss of frustration. "That's exactly what Killer said at first. But then we convinced him."
Killer snorted, glaring at Error. "You mean you tied me up and smashed me to the ground until I agreed?"
"That's not what happened and you know it!" Error yelled, glaring at Killer.
Killer snickered before shrugging. "It was close enough."
Geno eyed us all warily before glancing at Gradient and Pj. "Who are they...?"
Error smirked, pulling Ink closer to him. "These-" He said dramatically, pointing at the two kids. "-Are my precious children."
Gradient rolled his eyes and Pj crossed his arms over his chest, smiling slightly.
Geno looked them, blinking. "They look a lot like Error."
Error nodded proudly, smirking. "Yup!"
"How the hell did the police not realise that they were Error's kids?"
Ink laughed uncomfortably, wincing. "I had to say I adopted."
Geno snorted and the rest of us snickered. "Poor kids."
Pj huffed. "It was fine, really."
I cut into the conversation, resting my axe over my shoulder. "So, I assumed earlier, but were those two little people with you earlier your kids?"
Geno glanced at me, nodding. "Goth and Raven. My two kids. My only kids." He glanced at me. "You and Lust have any kids?"
Lust leant against me, nodding. "One. He's eleven, called Desire."
Geno nodded before looking at Dust. "You and Blue?"
Dust smirked. "Yeah we have one as well. He's called Sprinkle. He's only nine."
"What about you Killer?"
Killer, who had been whispering to his friendboy, looked over, blinking. "Wh-What?"

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...