---Sci's POV----
I jolted, jumping to my feet and whipping around as the previously blocked doors burst open, nearly making Fell and I scream.
Panicking, I grabbed the closest thing to me, which happened to be a tranquillising gun. Don't ask how I got it, or why it was there. It just was.
A whole mass of bodies stumbled in and I nearly had a heart attack, thinking they were X's forbidden experiments that had somehow managed to escape.
I tried to shoot at one, but missed, managing to hit the floor right by their foot.
They looked up at me, blinking before coughing awkwardly, their foot crushing the feathered dart completely. "We're taking over."
I stumbled back, attempting to ready my gun. But then I realised who they were. "W-Wait-- Y-You're--"
"Are you Sci?" A black boned kid asked, his hood and mask covering his face. He bore an odd resemblance to Error.
"Y-Yes." I stuttered, looking over all of them before something finally clicked. "Y-You're their kids!"
"What a good observation." Another black boned kid muttered as he walked in. He was definitely without a doubt the child of Nightmare.
"W-Wait where are your parents?!" I asked, panicking. Sure help had come for Fell and I. But the parents would be so much more help then these kids would be.
"X has them." Nightmare's kid hissed, glaring at me hatefully before his cold gaze slowly travelled over to Fell, who was still sat in his cage, looking extremely nervous and confused.
"But I thought he was after you guys?" Fell said, backing up in his cage slightly.
"He was. He threw our parents in some room and locked them in there before attacking us. Luckily we escaped. And so here we are."
I placed my tranquilliser to the side, looking over all of them. "X will certainly k-kill all of us if we don't kill him first."
Error's kid nodded, narrowing his eyes. "So we're hoping you'll be able to help us, seeing as you're the one that sent us that letter in the first place."
I winced, glancing at Fell. "I will help you and your parents... But only if you do something for me in return..."
Nightmare's oldest kid hissed, his tentacle-like scarf raising up behind him threateningly. "You're asking us to bargain our parents lives!"
I gulped, nodding stiffly.
"You know we could very easily just kill you right now."
"A-And then you'd have no one to help you." I stuttered, backing up slightly as him and Error's older kid stepped towards me threateningly.
"We don't need your help!"
"Y-Yes you do!" I said quickly, already regretting speaking up. "I know how this whole place works! I-I can control the electronics in this place far quicker than you guys! E-Even with your little hacker!"
Error's kid hissed, glaring at me harshly before sighing, nodding weakly. "Alright...what do you want us to do?"
I inhaled sharply, relief flooding over me. "I-It should be simple. I-I need you to break open this cage for me."
They all blinked, glancing down at Fell, who was looking up at me in surprise. "What if he's dangerous? He's gotta be in that cage for a reason."
I shook my head, clenching my hands into fists. "He's only there because he's Gasters way of making me do what he he wants for him. I assure you he won't try to hurt anyone. H-He even used to be part of your parents gang for a little bit."

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...