Ahahahha I completely haven't abandoned Scifell for like 30 chapters--
And lmao this isn't Halloween related sorry--
---Fell's POV----
I leaned against the bars of my cage, rubbing my arm as I watched Sci furiously scribbling down on a piece of paper, his hand moving so fast that I you wouldn't think anyone would be able to read his writing.
Sighing softly, I picked at some of the rust growing on the thin bars of my cell. I've been in here for so long that the most interesting thing that I can do is stare dully at all the slowly growing rust that winds around the bars.
"O-Okay I'm done..." Sci mumbled, dropping his pen onto the desk as he folded up the note, quickly sliding it into an envelope.
"What were you doing?" I asked, sitting up further as I pressed against the bars of my cell.
"Writing a letter..." He mumbled, pushing back his chair and standing up. "A letter that can hopefully save us from X in the most selfish way possible..."
I frowned, noting how serious he sounded. "What's it about...?"
"It gives the location to this place. X's main lab. With this information the guys will most certainly come here with the hopes of battling, and finally defeating X. If they come here, they could find us and break us free...but I guarantee that we won't all make it out of here alive...people will die because of this letter, Fell. Innocent people..." He walked over to me, his expression broken and lifeless. Nothing like the happy face of the nerd I fell in love with.
"D-Do you really think you should do it then...?" I asked, reaching a hand out through the bars to grasp his shaking one. "I mean, X will definitely get one of their kids eventually, then he'll let us free. Right?"
Sci flinched, looking away. "That's what I'm worried about... After all...X isn't really the type of guy to keep promises like that... Do you really think he'd stand by on what he said once he gains that power?"
"No..." I mumbled, looking down.
He'd abuse that power, make up more tasks we have to complete before he'll 'let us free'... It'll never end Fell if we keep doing it this way...not for us... We need to take matters into our own hands..."
"B-But if X finds out it was you he'll kill you!" I protested, looking up at him with worried eyes.
Sci smiled weakly down at me, letting out a weak chuckle. "After all he's done to us? I think death would be a pleasant surprise..."
"Please don't talk like that..." I whispered, gripping onto my hand tighter. "W-We promised of getting out of here together, remember? H-Hand in hand. A-And then we could start a family, finally relax, w-we'd never have to deal with X again!"
"But the memories of what he's done would still haunt us..." Sci muttered, sighing as he closed his eyes.
"We'll block them out...I promise..."
Sci smiled weakly, sitting down in front of my cell. "You always help get rid of the bad thoughts Fell..."
I laughed softly, squeezing his hand softly. "I'll do anything to see you smile again..."
Sci giggled as I kissed his hand, bowing in a sitting position. "Your beautiful majesty~"
He blushed, smirking slightly. "Hello my handsome servant~"

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanficSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...