"C'mon Nightmare we're gonna be late!" Cross yelled from downstairs, flinging a fluffy scarf around his neck and pulling some thick snow boots on.
"Go without me!" Nightmare called, peeking down at the smol from the stairway balcony.
"No! Don't be such a miserable octopus! It's the new year's countdown, and we're late!" He looked up at his lover desperately, fiddling with his now gloved hands. "Pleeeaaasssseeee!"
The octopus groaned loudly, burying his face in his hands as he trudged down the dark marble staircase. "Why do I always agree to do these things with you...?"
"Because you love me!" Cross said happily, pulling him into a quick hug and kiss before shoving a black beanie hat over his skull. "Now come on! We're gonna be late and the only ones to miss it at this rate!"
"Oh look at me rushing." Nightmare muttered, kicking off his slippers and pulling on some thick socks and boots. In addition to the beanie on his head, he loosely wrapped a black scarf around his neck and pulled on some gloves before looking at Cross.
The smol was completely wrapped up; hat, coat, socks, scarves, long trousers instead of shorts. He smiled cutely up at Nightmare, his face tinted slightly purple.
The taller smirked in amusement, booping him on the nose and kissing his cheek before kicking the mansion door open.
Immediately, the two were smacked with the incredible force of minus degrees temperatures.
Outside, a thick blanket of pure white snow coated over the usually ashy land, giving it a completely different feel and look. The forest's trees had a fresh layer of snow and ice dusted over their leaves and branches, giving off one of those picture book effects. The sun was even out for once, it's bright rays making the snow shine even more than it already was.
The two of them visibly shivered, Cross pulling his scarf further around his neck while Nightmare shoved his gloved hands into his hoodie pocket.
Cross slipped his arm through Nightmare's, hugging his side as they walked down the mansion's open stairway, the door closing behind them.
"Well then, what time is it?"
"Half quarter past eleven! We have forty five minutes to get there!"
"Calm down Cross!" Nightmare yelped, being pulled along after his lover as the smol ran through the snow. The sound of their boots crunching through the thick white flakes had such a Christmassy feel - even though Christmas was actually seven days ago.
"No! We're gonna miss it!" He called, still looking equally as determined as they left the empty expanse and dove into the snowy landscape of the creeper vine forest.
Nightmare rolled his eye, letting Cross pull him along as they passed frozen trees, their trunks covered in a soft white frost, icicles hung from the branches, their twisted, cone-like shape mirroring the gnarled skin of the creeper vines they knew all too well.
"Hey Nightmare... Do you... D-Do you think that the snow might have killed off the creeper vines...?"
"Pff, not a chance." The taller laughed, wrapping his previously pocketed arm around his lover as they walked. "The most it'll do is force them to hibernate or some shit. I dunno, I'm not the creeper vine expert."
Cross shivered, pressing closer to Nightmare as they walked. "I swear to god if we get eaten on New Years night, I'll kill you."
"But you'll already be dead?" Nightmare raised a non-existent eyebrow, stepping over a fallen log. "So you might want to think that out a little."

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...