---Ink's POV----I walked down the corridors of the prison, frowning. Something wasn't right. Something was off tonight, but I can't figure out what.
I was at the police station super early because I couldn't sleep, and something in my mind was screaming at me to go back to the prison. So that's what I did. Pj was with me seeing as I didn't want to leave him home alone, and apparently he had the same feeling as well.
At the moment we were heading to my office, hoping just to relax there for a bit. There's a sofa bed in one corner that I dragged in a while ago, so Pj normally likes to curl up there and sleep, read or draw.
We had almost got there when the alarms started blaring.
We both jolted, practically jumping in the air as the harsh sound ripped through the once calm atmosphere of the prison.
"Th-The alarm?! Why is that going off?!" Pj yelled, staying right by my side as we started running to my office.
"I don't know!" I yelled. "That's the alarm for a prison break! But it can't have been!"
As we ran the sound of voices rang out, and we sped up, assuming it was other officers that had been alerted by the alarm. So we were extremely surprised to say the least when we saw five very familiar people.
I froze, almost stumbling back.
Dust, Horror and Lust were stood to one side, clutching onto a box that I know and recognise too well. It's the box that keeps Errors soul away from him.
And then stood next to them...was Error. And next to him...
"SHIT THE DOGS COMMING!" Horror yelled suddenly, diving to the side as Matt's demon dog he'd given us lunged at them from behind.
"Go! Go! Go!" Dust yelled, booking it into my office with the others close behind.
Only Error hesitated, glancing at me. "If you go looking for me, you know where to find me."
I went to say something, to reach out, but then he grabbed Error, dragging him away.
He was why I was most shocked. He was the reason I felt myself suddenly tearing up as I fell to my knees, crying.
It was him...
My son...
---Killer's POV----
I had literally just said goodbye to my new friend, and was walking casually past Craitown Prison. The tall building was making me have intense flashbacks, and I shook my head, not really wanting to see them.
Humming to myself, I stopped as I heard a sudden shriek erupt from the prison, followed by loud aggressive barking and faint yelling for that dog to sit, with no apparent success.
I blinked, coming to a stop as I looked at the prison properly. I had probably stood there for about ten seconds before the alarms started blaring, making me jolt.
"What's happening?!"
I whipped around to see my mystery guy run over, his golden eyes radiating what looked like panic, but also excitement. "Uh, maybe a prison break or something? I dunno, I heard a scream."
He scanned across the building before his eyes narrowed and he pointed with one hand, grabbing onto my wrist with the other. "Over there!"
I yelped as he suddenly yanked me along, practically making me fall over as I tried to stumble after him. "W-Woah! H-Hey I don't know much about you--" I swerved, narrowly missing a lamppost. "But I don't normally run towards the danger!"

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanficSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...