❤️💜47K YAYAYYAYAYAYAYA💜❤️---Dust's POV----
Everyone had gone silent, none of us saying a thing since Nightmare ran off all of a sudden to pull off a desperate attempt to save Cross.
Blue had fallen back asleep, curled up on my lap happily, occasionally letting out small purrs as I rubbed my hand softly over his skull.
Sprinkle was sat in a corner with Desire, chatting happily as they made little towers of twigs and rocks on the floor, trying to see who could make highest one. Currently Sprinkle was winning, giggling happily as Desire's tower collapsed suddenly for the forth time.
"Oh come on!" Desire groaned, flinging his hands up in defeat as Sprinkle managed to elevate his tower by another few centimetres. "You're cheating!"
"How can someone cheat by building a tower?" Sprinkle asked, snickering as he nuzzled Desire affectionately.
Desire blushed slightly, looking away quickly. "N-Nevermind...you win..."
I smirked, winking as I caught Sprinkle's gaze.
Sprinkle huffed, blushing as he looked away, shaking his head quickly in denial.
I laughed softly to myself, nuzzling Blue softly as he snuggled up closer to me, pressing his face into my chest.
Glancing round the rest of the room, I looked over at Goth and Palette, smirking as I saw them leant against each other, whispering.
Near them, Pj and Fresh were splayed out on the floor together, pointing up at the ceiling as they muttered incoherent words to each other, probably talking about all the cracks and dents in the ceiling and how they got there.
It's funny, it seems since we've got the whole gang back together, most of the kids have made new friends. And well, in my opinion, some of the kids are starting to become more than just friends.
I mean, Sprinkle seems to be getting on, really well with Desire. Goth seems to be getting on nicely with Palette. And Pj seems to have taken a liking to none other than Fresh. I bet Inks happy about that.
I glanced over at Error, who was eyeing up Pj and Fresh as well, his eyes narrowed.
Just as I went to say something, an almighty crash rang out from the room next to us, followed by a muffled scream.
Instantly we all jolted to our feet, anyone asleep or relaxing jolted up within seconds, all shocked from the sudden noise.
Error and I jumped to our feet, eyeing the doorway that leads into the room where the noise came from.
"Wh-What was that?!" Lust asked, clinging to Horror's arm tightly.
"I don't know..." Error muttered, gently prying Ink off of his arm as he stepped forwards. "But I'm going to find out..."
"I'll come with you." I said, shifting the half awake Blue off of my lap as I stood up. "Just in case you nearly die or something."
Error rolled his eyes, smirking as he waited for me. "Oh your concern for me makes my heart flutter."
I stood next to him, bowing mockingly. "Oh anything for you my dear."
Ink and Blue huffed, glaring at the two of us as we snickered, stepping towards the dark room.
It was one of the rooms that looked like it used to be an office or storage room because of all the desks and cupboards that lay smashed across the room.
A single flickering bulb attached to the crumbling ceiling lit up the room, filling it with an eerie white glow.
No one appeared to be in there. No one to match up that scream. But there was one thing different about the room. One thing different that hadn't been there before.
On the middle of a caved in desk, was an envelope. Neatly closed, freshly put down. Someone had just came here and left it here for us. There was no sign of whoever left it there.
I blinked, cautiously stepping over to the desk before bending down and picking up the envelope. "...It's labelled to us..."
"Lets see it." Error demanded, holding a hand out.
I shrugged, walking back over and passing the note to him. "Knock yourself out."
Error narrowed his eyes, looking at it. "It's addressed to Errro and co...so all of us."
"What do you think it's for?" I asked, walking back into the main room where all the others were still waiting.
"Well how should I know?" Error muttered, following me as he ripped open the envelope to pull out the letter inside.
Ink stood up, walking over. "What was it?"
"A letter." I said simply, watching as Error slowly unfolded the piece of paper. "Nothing else, just a letter."
Error looked down at it, clearing his throat quickly to draw everyone's attention before he started to read out what the letter said.
"Dear Error and co, I need your help. You probably won't remember me, and you won't want to, but I'm friends with an old gang member of yours. Fell. We're prisoners of X-Gaster. But we're finally rebelling. The coordinates of his true lab are at the bottom of this letter. I'm sorry there's not much information in this letter, but Gaster could come at any moment..." He trailed off, looking up at us. "It says it's from Sci..."
Immediately at the sound of that, Blue sat up fully, his eyes wide. "D-Did you say Sci?!"
Error blinked. "Uh...yeah?"
"H-He used to be my best friend in Highschool...so did Fell..."
"Wait..." I suddenly realised something. "Old gang member...Fell? Is he on about Toothy?!"
Instantly we all realised who the letter was on about, muttering in confusion. Why on earth would X have Toothy? And why on Earth would this Sci guy want to help us by telling us X's true lab location? None of this really made any sense, but I'm pretty sure we're gonna trust this letter anyway. We need to put an end to X's little game once and for all before more people get taken. First Toothy and whoever this Sci person is, and then Cross. It'll only be a matter of time before he snatches someone else.
"So a-are we going to go there?" Ink asked, looking up at Error.
Error frowned shaking his head. "We will. But not yet...we need Nightmare if we want any hope of killing X. He is after all the strongest one out of all of us."
"And he could be dead." I muttered, looking down at his hands. "He was stupid to have thought that he'd be able to rescue Cross all by himself. He's probably already dusted, his remains being collected by X as we speak."
"Oh I'm so fucking glad you have so much faith in me."
We all whipped round at the sound of that voice, freezing as we caught sight of the figure stood in the doorway, clutching a limp body to his chest.
"H-How--" I stuttered, stumbling back slightly as the unmistakable figure of Nightmare walked in, dragging someone else in behind him.
"How am I not dead?" He hissed, glaring at all of us hatefully. "Oh I'll tell you how. You lot underestimated me."
I flinched, looking down at the limp body in his arms as whoever it was shifted sleepily.
Nightmare's gaze immediately softened and he looked down, nuzzling them affectionately.
And that's when I realised.
Nightmare had broke Cross out all by himself.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my babies
Lmao the letter thing reminds me of Nekos XD
and kszjxhusksjdjs dun underestimate my Tentacle Senpai--

Criminal Boundaries (An Undertale Sanscest Story)
FanfictionSequel to Criminal Conflict! It had been nine years since the criminal gang last met up and did anything illegal. They'd planned on never really seeing each other again, keeping contact to a minimal. But as a new threat appears, a monster after all...