Part 3 a smaller problem...

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Joey Pov

Three weeks after the night with Shane, and I haven't been talking to him at all; I have been ignoring his text and calls. I'm still scared that he hates me because of what happened. Shane's one of my best friends, and I hate to ignore him, but I just can't handle it. I have been sick over it, literally, I actually started to get sick for real. Just what I needed, right?

I woke up last night feeling a horrible pain in my stomach. It was three in the morning, and I couldn't sleep because of the pain. Around nine, Meghan came into my room.

Meghan: Good morning Joey!

Joey: Can... you get me some painkillers, please?

Meghan: What's wrong, Joey?

Joey: I woke up at 3, feeling this horrible pain in my stomach, and I just can't sleep.

Meghan: Do you feel like you're going to throw up?

Joey: A little, but I feel like eating at the same time. Do we have any lemons, or something?

Meghan: I can ask David to get you some while he's at the store.

Joey: Thanks.

Meghan: Can I help you up?

Joey: Yeah, thanks.

Meghan helped me up from the bed and I felt the cramping pain in my stomach.

Joey: Thanks.

Meghan: No problem, you want to go down and watch some anime with me while we wait for David?

Joey: Sounds fun! Um... I should just get dressed first.

Meghan: I'll be downstairs waiting for you, and I'll get those painkillers you wanted. Joey: You're the best, girl!

I got dressed and went down to sit in the living room. I took the pain killers.

Meghan: I texted David about your lemons, too. Joey: Thanks! Now, what are we watching? Meghan: Fairy tail!


Meghan turned on the episode and we sang to the opening song the best we could. We are so random.

Meghan Pov

I feel so bad for Joey; he's really not himself today. He just fell asleep on the couch while watching anime. I suppose he was really tired after he couldn't sleep. I heard the door open, and it was David.

David: Hi Meghan, where is Joey?

Meghan: Sleeping here, he just passed out.

David: Aww, so cute! I'll go unpack the groceries in the kitchen and leave this stuff there.

Meghan: Alright.

David left the room, and I did too to go and walk Chewie.

Joey pov

I woke up on the couch. I guess I'm just tired. Meghan was gone, but I think David's here. I go to the kitchen, and see him making chicken soup.

David: Hi Joey, nice nap?

Joey: Yeah, it was okay.

David: So, I got you your lemons.

Joey: Great! You and Meghan are the best friends I could ask for. David: It's no problem.

I took a lemon and cut it into small pieces, and just ate one when I felt like it, which was a lot. I usually don't eat lemons like this, I have been feeling weird for the last week now, but I've been feeling the most weird today...

The day after, I woke up late in the night just to pee; I mean it's just to take a damn pee! I can wait till the morning but no, I can't.

Some days seem to just float by like this, and it sucks. I may have to see my doctor or something...

I was eating dinner in my room while playing minecraft with Stacy, when I just had to throw up. Joey: Stacy! Pause, I need to puke!

I threw my headphones and ran to the toilet and bent over to throw up. Meghan ran in with me to support me while petting my back. After I think five minutes over the toilet, I sat back to breathe.

Meghan: How are you, honestly?

Joey: I have no idea...

Meghan: Maybe you have the flu or something?

Joey: Then why am I still hungry? I just threw up my dinner.

Meghan: That's kind of odd, you should get yourself checked out.

Joey: I'll call my doctor tomorrow.

Meghan: Good, come on, let's get you ready for bed.

Meghan helped me up, and I went to brush my teeth and get into bed, after Meghan talked to Stacy about what happened.

Joey: I'm hungry.

Meghan: I'll make you a night smoothie, that may help you. Joey: Thank you.

After I drank my smoothie I went to sleep.

The next day I went to the hospital. David and Meghan offered to be there for me which was good; it made me feel more comfortable. We were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for my doctor. He's the only one I trust when it comes to my private parts; he knows all about it, and I'm happy because I know that I can trust him. He's a pretty cool guy, too!

Dr Braff: Hi Joey, you're coming with me.

Joey: Yeah, see you later guys.

We went into his office, and I sat down.

Dr Braff: So, how have you been lately?

Joey: I have been feeling really strange the last few days; my stomach hurts, I threw up yesterday, I'm really tired all the time, and I have to pee late at night.

Dr Braff: Okay, that sounds pretty annoying. Have you had mood swings as well? Joey: Yeah.

Dr Braff: Headaches?

Joey: Sometimes.

Dr Braff: Are you having cravings for specific foods?

Joey: I've been wanting to eat lemons all the time for a few days.

Dr Braff: Hmm... Let me do some tests before I come up with what it could be. Joey: Alright.

Dr Braff did some tests, and felt my stomach a few times. Then he just nodded. Dr Braff: When was the last time you had sex?

Joey: Um... A few weeks ago... I think so, at least, I was drunk that night.

Dr Braff: Oh, so do you know the guy?

Joey: He's my best friend...

Dr Braff: Are you in a relationship with him?

Joey: I don't know, but I... kind of like him... What does that have to do with this, anyways?

Dr Braff: You see Joey, after what you have told me today, and what I have seen from the tests... Is an extremely rare medical phenomenon.

Joey: Just tell me...

Dr Braff: Joey... You're pregnant.


Alex here! So yeah! Joey is preg!! I'm a girl so I know this stuff jk I'm not preg.... Yet but yeah I have been writing a few pregnant stories so I'm an expert on this!

Hope you still like the story because Luke and I love to write it! What ever you all say muhahaha May the odds be ever in your favour goooddd byeee

Edit by Freemix16

/Alex and Luke

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