Part 4 Pregnant?!

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Joey Pov
Joey: What?! I... Me?
Dr Braff: Who else? It's just you in here.
Joey: I just... Don't understand.
Dr Braff: When you and your friend got drunk, you had sex, he got into your vagina and got you pregnant.
Joey: I can't have this baby! My friend has a girlfriend and...
I started to cry... I was pregnant with Shane's baby! He will hate me even more now! And I'm just a 23 year old guy who happens to be able to have children.
Dr Braff: Joey, take it easy, I know it's hard for you... But there's nothing we can do about it. Joey: Can't I get an abortion or something?
Dr Braff: I don't think that's possible; you see, that procedure is meant for women and because you have male parts as well, I don't think it would be possible because of the internal complications.
Joey: What should I do?
Dr Braff: First, I think you should calm down, it's a wonderful experience, and you're one of the only natural men to be able to give birth, in the world.
Joey: I can't help it, I can't support a baby and myself.
Dr Braff: Your friend has to support it too, at least financially. Just because you're a man and he is too, doesn't take away the law that he has to pay for it, too.
Joey: I don't want to be a single dad...
Dr Braff: There is someone for everyone, Joey; come on cheer up it will be wonderful. Your friends will help you, and who cares if the parents seem to be two guys?
Joey: Don't you think they will think I'm a freak?
Dr Braff: You're still the same person Joey, your friends will understand.
He gave me a smile; he's right, it will be okay. I just have to face Shane with it... I walked out to Meghan and David.
Meghan: So, what happened?
Joey: I need to tell you a secret about myself, but I need to do it when we're at home
They both nodded, and we went home.
We were facing each other while sitting in the living room. I'm super nervous. I have never told anyone about my woman parts. The only people that know are my family and doctors.
David: Okay, what's up Joey?
Joey: Um... I'm kind of a... special human...
David: Like a superhero!?
Meghan hit David on the arm.
Meghan: David! This is serious!!
David: Sorry...
Joey: It's okay... But no, I'm not a super hero... I have... I have two sexes...
Meghan: What? Does that mean you have a penis and a vagina?
Joey: I do...
They shared weird looks.
Joey: I know it's odd, but I didn't ask for it. I'm mostly a boy, because surgery wasn't an option to take away one of them.
David: That's kind of cool, but I understand why you're worried, Joey. I'm on your side to take care of you.
Meagan: Count me in! But why are you only having problems now? I mean, you've had both sexes all your life...
Joey: You see... my uterus is working, so I get periods and stuff... Meghan: But that means... Wait! Wait!!!
David: What?!
Meghan: You're pregnant!?
Joey: ....yes...
Meghan: OMG congrats!!
I got a hug from both of them.
Meghan: Aww, we are going to have a baby Joey running around!! Aww, so cute!!!
David: But wait? Who's the dad?
Meghan: Yeah, because you can't make babies by yourself, right? And, aren't you gay?
Joey: Yes I'm gay. I've know since I was about 13. But you remember Sawyer's party, right?
Meghan: Yeah, but you got really drunk that night; didn't you take an uber home?
David: And you were here in the morning...
Joey: I was drunk and blacked out, but it's the only time I've had sex so that's when it must have happened. I know because I found myself naked with a guy in my old bedroom...
Meghan: Do you know the guy? Joey: Yeah...
Meghan: Do we know him? Joey: Kind of...
David: Is he hot?
Joey: Really hot, but I can't have him... Meghan: Why not?
Joey: Because he has a girlfriend... David: It's Shane, right?
Joey: How did you know?
David: Hey, you're not the only one who's gay and looks at cute boys. And who else would you have had sex with other than your online boyfriend?
Joey: Yeah, but when I woke up with Shane beside me, I freaked out and saw what we had done and... I haven't been talking to him since then...
Meghan: You need to tell him that you're carrying his baby. He has the right to know.
Joey: Don't you think I know that!? But what can I say "Shane, remember that we had sex at that party, yeah I'm kind of carrying our baby now because I can get pregnant!"
David: Calm down, Joey.
Meghan: It's a part of the pregnancy, be calm around him.
Joey: I'm sorry for yelling, and you're right, I have to tell Shane.
David: I can drive you.
Joey: Thanks.
Meghan: You can do it, Joey, and if Shane's a jerk to you, you always have us! Joey: Thanks, you're the best!
I gave them both a hug, and we got into the car and David drove me to Shane's. I texted him that I needed to talk to him, and he said it was okay, and that he needed to talk to me too. I bit my lips after reading the text I got back. No smiles or emojis... This is serious...
I went up to his apartment building and started to get really nervous.
David: Don't worry, we will be waiting here. Text me when something happens. Joey: Thanks, see you in a bit.
I went up to Shane's door and knocked. Shane opened it with a smile and a hug. He's not mad at me at least. We sat down, and I was so nervous and prayed to god that he wasn't going to hate me.
Shane: So... What did you want to tell me?
Joey: You probably know what happened at Sawyer's party, right?
Shane: Yeah...
Joey: You see, I have been feeling sick for a few days and so I went to the hospital earlier to get checked out and, I got some news that is going to change both of our lives...
Shane: Did you got an STD?! Joey, I'm so sorry! I didn't know I had one!!
Joey: No, Shane, I'm okay I'm healthy.
Shane: Then what is it?
I bit my lip... I can't say it! I just can't! But then I felt a pair of hands over mine... They were so soft, and warm.
Shane: I'll be here for you, Joey, you're going to be okay. I had to say it, it will come out sooner or later anyway... Joey: I need your help...
Shane: Anything Joey.
Joey: It's... so much to ask but... you see... I have... two sexes and... both of my parts are working... and when we had sex, you got into the wrong hole...
Shane was confused.
Shane: So... you're telling me you're a girl too?
Joey: Kind of, but I'm telling you that we are going to be parents soon... I'm pregnant.
Shane's eyes became HUGE! Shit! -------------------
Haha hope you all liked it!
/Luke and Alex

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