Part 7 dont think like that

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Joey POV

Shane came home late but I was still up waiting for him. I had changed to pj and just sat and waited... I don't know why... I just did. When Shane came in to the room he jumped up a little.

Shane: oh shit, you screed me babe. Why are you up
Joey: can't sleep...
Shane: why?

He said clam and sat down by my side and let me lest my head on his shoulder.

Joey: I don't know...
Shane: you need to go to the bathroom or something?
Joey: no... I just felt like waiting on you
Shane: Joey, you need your sleep, you know I'm coming home
Joey: I know... I just... Waited
Shane: not much to wait on, I'm about to go to sleep
Joey: okey, let's sleep then

Shane sat up to undress in the bathroom. I know he hates his body, but come on I'm his boyfriend! I never told him that because I don't want to fight about it. When he got back he laid beside me in our big bed. I cuddled me into him.

Joey: I love you
Shane: I love you too
Joey: can you answer honestly if I ask if you feel forced into this relationship just because of the baby?
Shane: baby, no, no, no

He said while hugging me tight.

Shane: don't you ever think like that, I'm happy that we are having this baby, I'm happy to be your boyfriend, I'm happy that your my boyfriend. I'm just happy that we finely admitted our true feelings for etch other. I love you
Joey: I love you too
Shane: now don't think that way and get some nice sleep, you need it
Joey: yeah, good night boo
Shane: good night babe

He kissed my lips and then my little baby bump like he always did.

Shane: good night daddy's little angel

Then we fall into sleep.

Shane Pov

Joeys now in the 9 week and it's growing good. Joeys more and more hungry and I can find him it the kitchen eating something, like now he's looking for the bread to make himself a sandwich.

Joey: I know this is bad, but I'm starving!
Shane: relax, your feeding two persons
Joey: it's a fat baby we have
Shane: hey! I used to be fat!
Joey: I don't mean it like that!

Then he got away. I tried not to be angry around him but he has this emotional switch. He was in the living room watching tv and eat. I sat beside him and kissed his cheek.

Joey: no, I'm watching
Shane: sorry...

I got up, doesn't know what to do, it's not like I do much when I can't work. My life right now was focusing on making Joey comfortable.

Joey: why are you steering at me?
Shane: because your hot
Joey: if your trying to make me horny, it's doesn't work
Shane: it's not like I have much to do, cheer up Joey let's do something fun!
Joey: I can't do anything fun! Fucking baby in my way...
Shane: Joey! The baby listing to what your saying!
Joey: so what? It's not like it's born or so
Shane: okey, just... Talk to me when your happier...

I got out of the room and got outside with my laptop. God, Joey is annoying sometimes. I know why he has this, but I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend... This all reminded me of Lisa... What's up with her? It's been a few week seams I left to live here now. Should I call her, just to make sure she's fine? I just picked up my phone, calling her number.

Lisa: Shane?
Shane: hi Lisa
Lisa: what do you want?
Shane: I... Um just wanted to know how you have it
Lisa: perfect!
Shane: good, good... Um... I was thinking if I could step by or something, just to see Corny or so, if it's okey?
Lisa: sure... Just come over
Shane: great! I will be there in some minutes then
Lisa: yeah, see ya later

I hang up... Why did I want to meat up with her? Well it wasn't more to do then get to her house...

Shane: Joey, I'm going out
Joey: were?
Shane: just a friend
Joey: who?

If I tell Joey I'm going to Lisa's he will hate me... In all fact in this mood his in.

Shane: Shanna
Joey: okey, have fun
Shane: thanks,you too. You want me to get you something?
Joey: lemons would be yummy, yeah and we need more eggs can you get me some?
Shane: yeah, of corse I won't be away for so long, promises!
Joey: okey, that's fine
Shane: okey, see ya later

I was about to go out when:

Joey: Shane wait

He got up from the couch and hugged me, surprising yes...

Joey: I'm sorry I was a bitch to you
Shane: that's okey, I know it's just the pregnancy
Joey: and I do love our child
Shane: I know, but you should tell it sorry
Joey: I hate when we call it "it"
Shane: we don't know the gender, and we doesn't have a name yet
Joey: is it to early to think about it?
Shane: of corse not, I mean look at you it's going so fast already!
Joey: wanna disgust baby names later?
Shane: I would love to

I kissed Joeys lips and went out to get to Lisa's.

Hey guys! a really sick Alex here! I hate to be sick and tomorrow (1 august) is my cosines birthday and mine the next day so I really hope I can be great tomorrow because I really want to got to my cosines and we do that very year and we sleep over to my birthday and that's like one of my favorite things in the world at the year so I really hope I feel better by the morning...

But a good thing is that I finely got my new phone to work!! So if your a close friend to me just pm me and get my new number!

Hope you still like the book and see you next time!

/Alex and Luke

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