Part 15 ask Shoey

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Shane Pov

I haven't done a video in a while, I had some spree time to do an quick ask Shane. I garbed my phone and tweeted.

"@shanedawson: hey!!! Doing an ask Shane!! Send me some crazy questions!"

So I garbed my camera and started recording.


Shane: hey what's up you guys! So today I'm doing an ask Shane because I haven't had one in a while. So I'm now in my little office and going to answer some of your questions!

Here is some questions from Verlu64 and asks:

Shane, is Joeys pregnancy affecting on your relationship?

Well sense Joey came up one day telling he was having my child, I really wanted to be there for it, but yeah sense the ever first thing was getting a kid together were may not be the best start. Don't get me wrong, I want the child, I love it so much and I love Joey, but yeah it's was kind of fast but I'm kind of happy anyways because I'm 26 now and it's time to start a family.

Do you get annoyed with his pregnancy cravings?

Yeah, I can. He's really emotional and want stuff all the time, and his like a little child if he don't get it. But I don't really mind getting him things and so but he just do the things he want to, but like I said, I love him so much and I can do anything for him


I don't think we should talk about our sex life, because I was drunk the time we did it so but I don't remember it. But he has a sexy body and a big d!ck *wink*

Would you ever propose?

I mean... Yeah, maybe. Not in this state but, I feel like if your having a baby you should be married and I want it to be right so yeah, so maybe in the future because me and Joey haven't been together for that long but we have agreed to be with the child as long at it needs so it will have a whole family and not a splinted one like both me and Joey had and we just don't want to do that to our children.

When do you want the baby to be born? Special date?

Well, I don't really have a special date, it will be born in February if I counted right, maybe on valentines day?

SmoshyDawceffa wants to know:

Shane, how do you guys have sex?

Well, I will tell you. So yes I have a penis and I just stuck it in to any of his holes or just suck his d!ck, easy! What ever I feel like! Assh0le, vag!na or just an bl0w job if I'm lazy.

CourtneyRaye0 asks:

Shane is Joey hornier now that he's preachment?

Sense I haven't dated Joey wile he wasn't pregnant I don't really know, I can tell you, his super horny. So we will see when the kid is out. Now wait! If the kid is in the house, that means we can't have sex... Oh god no!! I want a nanny just so I can fuck Joey! It's not only Joeys that horny you know *wink*

Here is some questions from DawsonCraze80943:

What happen to Corny when you and Lisa broke up?

Well guys, I have a boring thing to tell ya all. But when Lisa and I splinted up, she kept the apartment and Corny. Badly, Lisa started to drink and with that was not able to take care of Corny. So, Corny passed away a few weeks ago. *crying* I was really sad over it and... I had to let Corny sleep in... She slept in in my arms, she was to weak to handle it all and... I had to let her go. I prayed for her to make it but, she wasn't making it... Sorry for crying guys, but I know all of you loved her as much I did, but she's happy now, with my gramma.

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