Part 11 advise

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Episode 11

Joey Pov

Shane drove us to the beach he told me about, I'm really nerves over were we are going and begging to god that no one will be there! We were on the rode for a while and drown out from LA and out to the forest. Then he drove into a dirt way and stopped after I saw water.

Shane: come, you will like it and look, no one is here

Joey: your the best Shaney!

We got out and picked up our blanket and sat down. The sun was shining and the only sound were from the trees in the wind and the singing birds. Just perfect. I sat closer to Shane to let him wrap his arms around me, he had one hand doing circles over the belly.

Joey: this is beautiful Shane

Shane: I was hoping you liked it

Joey: yeah, I do

Shane: can you image, our little kid playing by the water?

Joey: I think, we should take him or her out here

Shane: yeah I think that would be cute, having a small swimsuit or trunks what it will ever be now

Joey: oh! And building sand casuals!

Shane: aww, I want it now!

Joey: me too

We sat there for a bit longer, just watching the sun set. Then Shane jumped off and got something from his bag he had with him.

Shane: I will be right back

Joey: okey, I love you

Shane: I love you too

Then he got into the woods. What the fuck was he going to do there. After 5 minutes of thinking he came back in his swim trunks.

Shane: I'm taking a swim, it's so hot right now

Joey: your hot *wink*

Shane: then come with me

Joey: I didn't bring any trunks

Shane: don't you think I though about that

He took his bag and got me my swim trunks.

Shane: I wait for you

Shane got into the water and I changed right on place, I'm not afield to show my body for him, it's just Shane that's likes to hide himself from me. Well in my trunks I got behind Shane and laid my arms around him, hugging him soft. We got out in the water and walked till the water was up to my shoulders.

Shane: it's kind of cold anyways

Joey: yeah but it's good when it's so hot up

Shane: true, and you look so good

I giggled and I kissed him softly.

The rest of the date was us swimming and eating the food we had with us and cuddling wile warming us self till we went home and fell asleep on the bed, tied after the day.

Shane Pov

I drove Joey to the hospital, we were going to see our baby for the first time today. Still not going to know the gender but seance Joeys worried and a pregnant man he had to go on this.

Joey: I'm worried Shane...

Shane: why?

Joey: what if... It's sick?

Shane: no Joey, your having your mother thoughts again, it will be alright

Joey: I hope so

Shane: trust me, it will. Now let's get out

We both got out from the car and I took Joeys hand. He used my shirts what was really cute, sure I used his but it's a cute thing! He just wanted to hid the baby belly if we would meat anyone we know or a fan, it would be a lot to explain in that case. Not even start to disgust the fact that I'm holding Joeys hand and walk really close to him just to make him feel better.

I sat down in the waiting room while Joey talked to the lady asking for his doctor. When Joey came back I laid an arm around him telling him not worry. Then a man, probably around 30 with short beard and dark brown hair in a dark blue scrub and white robe.

Dr: hi Joey, your okey?

Joey: yeah, everything's great, this is my boyfriend Shane

Dr: the father I guise?

Shane: yeah, hi, my names Shane like he said

I shacked his hand.

Dr: Dr Zach, I have been Joeys doctor seams he was 12 years old and got his first period hehe

Joey: a real joker, haha thanks for telling Shane that

Dr Z: haha, well let's take a look at the little miracle

We got up and in to a room, I sat down by a chair and smiled at Joey.

Dr Z: so Joey, how have it been?

Joey: good, we are trying to make this the best of it and take it easy

Dr Z: any stress?

Joey: we had... A little fight a few days ago... But it's all good now

Dr Z: anything about the baby?

Joey: not from the beginning, it was in the last part of the fight but it all went good after a few hours.

Shane: and it was all my fault, I realty lost my dog and... Lost my mind over the real world

Dr Z: I'm sorry for the lost, but I bet it was a good dog

Shane: yeah...

Then Joey and Dr Z talked about some more things, I filled in with a few things and then Joey had a cheek up.

Dr Z: okey, looks good, I get you something to help you with this cuts too, but I think it's the best to not cut Joey, a few montes later even the smallest cuts can hurt the baby

Joey: I understand

Dr Z: let's get going to look at the baby then, if it was net more questions

Joey: um... Just one...

Joeys face started to become all red and he bitten his lip.

Joey: we were wondering about... Sex...

Dr Z: yeah of corse

Joey: do it hurt the baby in some way or so?

Dr Z: no, no it's safe but don't go for hard about it and try thinking about the weight you lay on your stomach. You can look it up on the internet, I'm not really good at that. I'm still un married and that so haha

Shane: saving your self for marriage?

Dr Z: I grow up in a retaliation family so yes, but I'm getting married next spring

Shane: congratulations! Just telling you not to drink, or you get someone pregnant, I saved me first till Joey came in the frame

Joey: rude!

Shane: but I love you, so I'm not worried hehe

Dr Z: the best thing with love, it comes in so many ways, come with me boys

I smiled at Joey and took his hand, we got into a dark room I sat beside Joey that was laying in a bed while Dr Z prepared everything. We looked nerves over the scream and I baited my lip till a saw something that looked like a little person, my baby!


So hope you liked that! And we will try to post daily for a little while now because we both Alex and I agreed that it not happening so much in the story right now...

Alex did an ask Joey, so I will do an ask Shane, so give him some questions! Your still able to ask Joey seance that part Isn't up yet

Btw! We got a an amazing trailer by Alex so take a look at that one!!

/Luke and Alex

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