Part 17 Its a....

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Shane Pov

Today is the day; Joey has his ultrasound today, and we are finally going to see what the sex

is of our child! I really want a boy now, after thinking about it. Sure, I will be happy if it is a girl, too, but you can always wish, right? So I was in bed, Joey was still sleeping, and we didn't have to be at the hospital for a while, so that was good. I got dressed and went downstairs to find Meghan drinking her morning coffee.

Meghan: Morning, Shane; big day!

Shane: Yeah, I'm so pumped for this, it's still unbelievable I'm going to be a dad soon.

Meghan: Well, I'm happy for you and Joey, I bet you will be the best parents for this child!

Shane: That means a lot coming from you, thank you.

Meghan: That's okay, just tell me if you need a sister, so I can be an auntie! I love kids.

Shane: Perfect!

Suddenly, my phone started vibrating in my pocket.

Shane: Oh, it's the guy who produced my movie, he's a real asshole... can you check on the eggs for me?

Meghan: Sure!

I went out to the living room and answered my phone.

Shane: Yes, it's Shane.

Mr. T: Shane, we need you for this meeting now!

Shane: Sorry I can't, I have plans.

Mr T: Shane, what's more important than your movie?! You want it right?

Shane: Of course! But I really can't come today. My boyfriend is having an ultrasound.

Mr T: He's pregnant?! Nevermind... look, just get your ass down here now Shane!!

Then he hung up on me! What a dick!! Well one thing is for sure, I'm not going to that meeting! I've been away from Joey for a whole week, and I promised him I would be there for him; at least I need to be here for the special events. So I decided to forget about this, and just focus on Joey and Scott/Skyler. So I went back to Meghan and finished making breakfast.

Meghan: So, what was that about?

Shane: Oh, nothing... He just wanted to make sure something would work out.

Meghan: Great, I can't wait to see your movie!

Shane: That's good to hear!

When was done with breakfast, I went up to Joey and woke him up. He was still sleeping and hugging his pillow shark. I set down the plate, and kissed his forehead.

Shane: Wake up, beautiful.

Joey: Urm... Shane, don't wake me up...

Shane: We need to get to the hospital, we are going to see our baby!

Joey: Just look at the photo we got last time...

Yeah, we had a little photo from the last ultrasound, and it was so cute!

Shane: But we will finally be able to put a name on it, and stop calling it "it".

Joey: You know I don't have any humor in the morning...

Oh I will get him to laugh! I saw Joey's vlogging camera on the table, so I picked it up and started recording Joey sleeping.

Shane: (In Joey's accent) Hallo there everyone, so today I'm being a lazy ass when I'm supposed to be having a doctor's appointment in 15 minutes!

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