Part 28 Last Minute stuff

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Episode 28

Shane pov

Week 38 and it just the wait for Scott now, he was now fully grown by this time and it was just now to wait. Joey, who didn't go anywhere without being a toilet near by so he was worried about the water would go. He was counted to give birth tomorrow but you never know.

Me like usual, was going to feed the family, making breakfast and Joey came down after I was done with some pancakes.

Shane: good morning sunshine, slept well

Joey: I cant! Scott is making it hard to finding a good position and just the excitement that he can come tomorrow doesn't make it very easy

Shane: Cool down babe, I understand, I really do but is it something you need to do is that you have to relax, now eat something

Joey: it smells really good!

I gave him a plate and we sat down to eat.

Shane: um... its something we have forget...

Joey: What?

Shane: kind of... a lot of things

Joey: what have we missed?

Shane: bottles, crib, teats, dippers, clothes...

Joey: Fuck!! how can we forget that stuff!

Shane: Clam down baby, we fix it. Okey, we slit up, i get to Ikea and get a crib and then I get to the store getting dippers. You can go online and get baby clothes and that kind of things, toys too can be good. When we find something we text etch other and showing the things we find, okey?

Joey: and the prize to the smartest guy in the world history go to Shane Dawson because his a fucking hero

Shane: hehe, alright I go and get somethings after breakfast and you can try finding a website with one day shipping or so, seance he can come any day.

Joey: I will do my best!

So after that I went to Ikea trying to find bed and pillows and things just so Scott have the best he can get. I was looking around for a while and funny enough I saw Lisa by the kitchen tables set. I got to her and waved when she saw me. We shared a smile and got into a hug.

Lisa: Hi Shane what are you doing here

Shane: baby stuff, did the first mistake by forgetting that the kid needs stuff before its coming.

Lisa: Right, when is he coming?

Shane: his counted tomorrow

Lisa: oh, thats great! Im so happy for both you and Joey...

Shane: You still sad?

Lisa: to be honest, yeah. I mean it could have been me that had that monster belly by now

Shane: I don't know but, i really hope you find someone that want to give you that monster belly hehe

Lisa: hehe, yeah i hope that too

Shane: so, looking for tables i see

Lisa: yeah, I'm thinking about selling the apartment

Shane: oh, really?

Lisa: yeah, its to big for me. I have sold almost everything I didn't need too so Im trying to find a smaller table or so

Shane: Well maybe, if me and Joey could take over it, we need a place for ourself and its a two bedroom apartment

Lisa: It would save a lot of time, talk to Joey about it and we can do something when i found a new place

Shane: sounds great! We can help etch other here too, your better then I with this anyways

Lisa: right!

So Lisa and I found a table that she liked and then went to kid part and found some cute cribs. I took photos of the best ones and sensed them to Joey. We all really liked a dark brown one, it had the smiler wood that we had to our bed bored so it matched with the room. To sheets we took some with colorful stars and one with leafs and monkeys on, the best pillows and a cozy cover. After that we got all the things and i said bye to Lisa and went to the store just to get dippers.

Joey pov

I found a lot of cute things! It was to much to text Shane about it all. Some was "have to have them" like a Totoro suit!! I mean people have to know its my kid right. I found some other nice things too and toys and stuff that we needed. I cant wait for Scott to play with them! The best thing with being a childish adult is that you can be your kids best friend, i have the most crazy imagination so why not!

After a while behind the computer scream and some breaks to eat and watch tv, Shane came home with a lot of things.

Joey: you need help

Shane: no, i fix it

Joey: really?

Shane: yeah, sit down and I fix it all

He dropped a big box by the corner of our room and then he went down again to get two packs of dippers and a Ikea bag. I took it and saw all the cute things he got.

Joey: Aww Shane! They are so cute!

Shane: Get them ready and i try to set up the crib

So that's what we did, I fixed the sheets and that stuff on the pillows and covers. They are so small! Its like a doll toys or something.

Shane: found anything?

Joey: a lot!

Shane: okey, Im going to be broke after this

Joey: no your not, it will pay back to you, not in money but in love. Scott loves you for doing this for him

Shane: he better be coming out soon then

Joey: he will, I can feel it!

Shane: really? did the water broke?

Joey: no, I'm just saying that he's ready

Shane: yeah, I cant wait to have him in my arms, telling him how happy he makes me

Joey: I bet he feels the same

With that Shane got up from the floor and over to me to lay his soft lips on mine, doing circles with his hand over my belly.

The day went to an end and it was all finally done, the crib in the corner with monkey and leafs sheets. Toys and his Totoro pet beside the crib, dippers in the bathroom, two happy soon to be parents in the big bed, dreaming about the little kid thats coming.


Scott is almost here!

But... Some sad news

Alex and I may end this story, I was talking to Alex the other day, asking her if she's exited to write again. She of corse said yes but felt like she needed to end one of her story's like this one or "my stepbrothers gay blog" she was manly thinking about the gay blog one because it literally take her two to three hours to make one part. I understand her and now when "Forgotten?" Is coming by it will be a lot of work... She only wants to make the best chapters ever for you and I understand that

Question of the day!

What was your favorite toy as a child?


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