Part 27 I miss you my love

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Episode 27

Joey pov

Meghan made me some tea and she tried her best to clam me down and cheer me up, but fuck my boyfriend is in the hospital and i cant even be there for him!

Meghan: want to watch some animate?

Joey: i don't feel like it...

Meghan: I'm sure they will call from the hospital telling you what happen, i already sensed David over

Joey: But I want to be with Shane! I want to be be there, telling him everything is going to be okey!

Meghan: I have to do my duty to make you get and safe pregnancy, and i want you to stay at home and take it easy, you can give birth any day by now

Joey: Isn't that a good thing to be around the hospital then?

Meghan: not when your stressing over Shane

Joey: I'm a lot more stressfully over not knowing what's happening to him!

Meghan: I don't like mood your in, you maybe should take a nap

Joey: Im sorry... Im just worried

Meghan: I know, thats why you should sleep, relax

Joey: thanks for understanding

Meghan: hey, I'm a girl too i know how it is, now lay down

So i laid down on the sofa and laid my head on a pillow and Meghan laid a blanket over me.

Meghan: sleep well, both of you

Joey: can you wake me up if you here something about Shane?

Meghan: I will, sleep now

Joey: night

I slept for a while and woke up by the nice smell food and someone talking in the phone. I got up and got to the kitchen there Meghan were doing dinner.

Meghan: Oh wait! his up... Hi Joey, I'm making us dinner

Joey: thank you, anything about Shane?

Meghan: talk to David

She said and gave me her phone, I took it to my ear.

Joey: Hi David

David: Hi Joey, how is it?

Joey: Good, are you with Shane?

David: his sleeping, he got hit on his arm and when he feel he hit his head

Joey: My baby!

David: Scotts in your belly

Joey: You know what i mean, how bad did he get hurt?

David: lucky not an broken arm, his just really tied and just want to sleep. The doctors wanted to keep him over night just to see that his head is alright when his up, probably he will be home tomorrow already

Joey: sounds good, and if he wakes up, can you tell him that I love him

David: he loves you too Joey, don't worry I will not leave him without telling you

Joey: thanks, bye David

David: bye Joey

I hang up the phone and me and Meghan eat dinner and watched movies and everything was good!

Until i had to go to bed. Sure i had Shane's Clothes on while sleeping It felt loonily in the bed, sure he have been staying away before but knowing that Shane is spending the night in a hospital bed makes me sad.

I didn't feel the arm around me. I didn't feel warm breath in my neck. I didn't feel hearts breaths trow my back. I didn't feel the kisses on my neck. I didn't feel the love in my heart.

I softly cried to the pillow to my phone vibrated and lighted up. I sat up answering.

Joey: yeah... hallo?

Shane: how are you?

Joey: Shane!

Shane: not really an answer but okey

Joey: um... yeah I'm feeling ok

Shane: tell me

Joey: I miss you

Shane: I miss you too, love

Joey: so, how is your arm and head

Shane: Painful, but i survive, it could have been worse, I could have lost you our Scott

Joey: I don't want to think about that...

Shane: needier do I, how is Scott

Joey: (baby voice) I miss daddy

Shane: Daddy miss you too darling

We both giggled and soon become quiet, not an awkward situation, I could hear how he was breathing trow the phone.

Shane: you should go to sleep now

Joey: I know, but i miss you

Shane: Im always in your heart Joey and i will stay there

Joey: Your so romantic Shaney

Shane: not really, just a awkward old man that learning ten year old dick jokes

Joey: your also and caring dad and an amazing boyfriend... i bet you would be the best husband too

Shane: really?

Joey: really

Shane: Your cute, but i need to rest now babe, I love you good night

Joey: I love you too. Night! sweet dreams

With that i hang up and looked at the phone for a minute, steering at my look screen with me and Shane kissing at Disney land in Micky ears and a waterfall to background. Nichole took the picture and i could see how Shane had his hand over my belly. I had a shirt that day saying "Wait! your pregnant?, yupp!" We got a lot of thous shirts by fans and I tried to were them all. But the scream got black and i sat it back on table and went to sleep.

The following day I was editing some videos, I didn't vlog to much, I had my mommy break so i could sit back and do the things i needed to.

Then the door opened and huge smile came to my lips.

Joey: Im happy to see you baby!

Shane came to me and hugged me with the arm that was bandage hanging around his neck. Im just happy to see that his okey.


Aww I just though this chapter was so cute :,)

Alex update!

She's doing fine, her oldest internet friend will come to her and help her, so we can hope to get Alex back next week I hope!

Question of the day!

How is the feels today? ^^


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