Part 9 do it for the baby

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Joey Pov

I was frustrated! Shane was not allowed to call me that. I was mad at him, I hated him. I trowed the roster in the floor and Meghan came in running.

Meghan: what is going on Joey?!
Joey: that fucking moron called me worthless!!
Meghan: Shane? He would never...
Joey: I just asked him to get over that fucking dog, but will he help me? No, I'm just caring his fucking baby... At least for a while longer
Meghan: what do you mean?

I took up out some beers from the frith and a wine bottle from the counter.

Meghan: no Joey! You will not drink away your baby!
Joey: I don't need that stupid kid! Shane hates it, he hates me because of it!!
Meghan: stop it Joey! Drinking away it will not end up good! Your killing it!
Joey: I don't want it anymore!
Meghan: your just mad because you and Shane are having a small fight, trust me you will make up and will be the loving parents you were before the fight

She took away the alcohols from me and I went up to my room, laid in bed crying... I don't want the baby... I don't want Shane... I don't want life... If Shane didn't care, no one would...

I got to the bathroom, looked the door and picked up some raises and started to cut on my arms...

Joey: I'm so sorry honey... But I can't be like this...

I said wile cutting a few cuts on my belly... Not to deep... It was hard to hurt your unborn baby... But I had some cuts and fell to the floor crying...

Meghan Pov

Shane and Joey just had a fight... I can't let them fight, not break there relationship. Joey acetyl though about killing his own child! That's just crazy, and Shane should take care of him!

I got upside to the graded just to find Shane crying into his knees... Like always this days seams we braid Corny.

Meghan: your okey Shane?
Shane: no...
Meghan: I'm sure Corny was a great dog Shane but...
Shane: it's not Corny... I... I screamed on Joey... I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to...
Meghan: you have to look for him, he was about to drink, like drink away your baby
Shane: no! He...
Meghan: I took away the alcohol from him, don't worry... But he ran up to his room... His really upstate
Shane: I should talk to him... But he hates me...
Meghan: nonsense, he loves you! But you need to come over Corny, start living gained and help your boyfriend and your baby...
Shane: I can't lose non of them... Were is he?
Meghan: his room

Shane sat up and ran past me, I hope they are going to be okey and be our little Shoey lovers.

Shane Pov

How stupider can I be? I screamed and called my boyfriend and baby worthless, they worth much more then the universe can give me... I got up to it room to the looked room.

Shane: Joey! I didn't mean what I said, not a single bit, I'm worthless for saying that to you, let me in, please I do what ever you want, just open the door and we can talk...

I banged on the door but nothing was opening.

Shane: please Joey, let me in

I cried out, I was so sorry about what I did to him, I'm a horrible person. After a lot of crying and banging on the door, it finely open... Joey had bags under his eyes and blood was coming from his arms and belly... Don't say he did this to himself.

Joey: leave me!!
Shane: no! Joey, let's talk
Joey: I tried to talk to you but you called me worthless!!
Shane: clam down baby, it's okey
Joey: I'm not your fucking baby, I hate you, it's over Shane!!
Shane: Joey, you don't need to do this, I love you, I love up child
Joey: but I don't like you, our the child

I lifted his bloody shirt to see the cuts around his belly...

Shane: Joey, no... This... This is our child... A piece of our love...
Joey: it was a drunken mistake! I can't believe I didn't done this earlier...
Shane: you know why you didn't do it? It's because you love it, you love the little person growing inside you... A mini you, a baby, and we made it together, drunk our sober it's still our little child

Joey started to cry, and his head fell to my shoulder. I hugged him tight and he tried to hug me back but I think it hurts over his cuts on his arms. I pulled away from the hug to cup his wet cheeks pulling him into a soft little kiss.

Joey: I'm a horrible dad...
Shane: no your not, your the best dad our kid could ever get! Can I look at them?

Joey nobles and we sat down in our bed closeting the door behind us I took of his shirt and saw how the still fresh cutes were pumping little blood.

Shane: don't move, I will get something

I got a small towel, thisus and some water. I laid the wet towel over his cuts and cleaned them up. It was hurting for Joey but he made it. I gook his belly first then his arms. After that I kissed every cut he had on his body.

Shane: feels better?
Joey: yeah... A little...
Shane: look Joey, I keno I have been the worst partner ever, sure Corny was my best friend but, it's been far to long now to not be looking forward. I feel bad over losing this week with you and the baby, we only have a few, what week are you in?
Joey: I think I'm in like week 11 or so
Shane: wow! It's been a while now
Joey: yeah...
Shane: and our baby look cute under your stomage

I tried to make him latch, but I got a smile at least.

Shane: Joey, your beautiful, don't ever do this, don't hurt yourself, or the baby because I honesty care about you both, you both means everything to me
Joey: really?
Shane: yeah, my wonderful boyfriend and our little baby, I mean like what can be more impotent?

Joey laid his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

Joey: I'm sorry Shane, it won't happen again
Shane: and I will be helping you the rest of the time, I just needed to say bye to Corny
Joey: don't get me wrong, I hoped she was still alive, but when ever you feel ready to get a new dog, we get one.
Shane: a puppy and a baby? To much work
Joey: how about when the time is right, when the child have grown up?
Shane: yeah, that's nice

Joey makes me happy and I should make him happy,don't leave him behind.

Joey: can we just forget all this and just go back to love etch other?
Shane: hehe, yeah!

Then we cuddled the rest of the evening.
Don't really much to say in the chapters right now... So I will just jump some weeks after some weeks when it happen something special or cute


Leave questions to Joey to a further cheaper. it can be all about his pregnancy or his life with Shane! Just like an ask Joey! We are telling your wattpad name to like your username like little shot outs! So thank you all! You can ask him more then one thing!

May the odds be ever in your favor
/Alex and Luke

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