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Hey my sweet stitch baby's

I don't want to me a rude person or sound like someone that want to make a shit hole of the world but, thinking of having a wattpad break... Just for a while but manly because I'm a really sad person. If you don't give a shit about me, just stop reading.

But for you that gives a single fuck I can tell you that, I think my life's worthless, I have been really sad for years, manly because I have never had a true friend for years. I have been a lonely person for years, our frozen from

the grope of "friends" I had... That have made me a really uncomfortable person that have hard time to get friends.

This morning my mom and stepdad was having a fight, they fight every day almost, about the same things. Bils, trips to Öland and so on... I also heard fights about me and my sister... That we never left the house and hang out with friends.

Yes it's true I never hang out with friends, why? Because I don't have any! After that grope of girls left me out all my self respect have been gone for years.

I have three good friends in my new school, two of them I have really good contact with, and they great, but I'm to shy to ask for hanging out outside school... Don't puch me to do it, it won't happen unless I feel like I'm brave enough to, but 7 years of out freezing is not easy to do that.

It's here you come in, over a little of Two years ago my classmate told me about a website, she was writing Larry fan fic! We both loved 1D at this time and we both know that.

it wasn't more then that then until like a year ago I saw my first Shoey vid, the fan fic one. I have been a subscriber to Joey for a while, didn't really know who he was but I mixed him up with Marcus Butler (I don't do that any more) but I saw something about fan fic and was like "oh! I like fan fics!"so I watched and it was the best thing I ever seen! I fell in love with SHOEY that day! And watched everything about them like 8 times!

Then I watched their separate vids! But you know what the best thing was? That they always had something to say, something positive that we got everyday, a new I love you and it made me forgot 1D and Jedward because I didn't get that daily smile that was all new for every video.

I then googled Shoey on Google and came to the website my classmate told me about, it was first then I saw I was far away from alone to love Shoey, fan fic on fan fic I read my first on "joey4shane" and fell in love! Then I started to write my life's section fan fic! "More then just Joey and Shane" and I made an account and started to work... But nothing happen, I got votes and a comment saying that my spelling and grammar was terrible! That's why I always tell you sorry about it, that comments are still hunting me, I can still get them and it will always hunt me... but it was then I tried another Shoey book "I'm in love with my bully" I had only posted the discussion and people saw that! Begging for the first chapter, just like an hour after posting. From have no reader till have like 4 was crazy!

I kept on posting and was building up a life here, your comments and love have given me hope to sit down and write, I got an iPad just for writing to you all, I got a 600kr keyboard to make it easier for me.

You are the best I could ever wish for, I don't need to listen to my mom outside while chatting or reading one of your comments even if it is something like I just leaved you in a cliffhanger, how you wish you could put a knife to my trow if I didn't update the day after. I'm not asking for anything from you, I'm just saying that the small things you do in life can change someone's els a lot.

But now to the end, I just heard a fight about me... That I have done some pretty gross things to my stepdads mind at least... I can tell you that far that's normal but it's building up on my non friend relationships. Yeah, his boys are drinking, smoking, taking drugs and have wild party's when they are gone... (I can say that's iligel in there age) That's nothing for him!! The fact that I'm not out with friends is! But he buy his boys beer!!! Wtf I know! My mom is always on my side throw, that's why love her so much, I'm a real mom's girl.

But this took me hard, so I need a break from it all, Luke will be posting on "wait! Your pregnant?" But noting more will come, I on the other hand needs to talk to a therapist and go offline for a while... I will still read fan fics because that makes me happy! If Shoey make a vid, I will tweet and Instagram about it, yes I will but I don't know if more happen then that...

But I love you all and I hope I will come back soon to write for you, but I need to time to think then write.

I love you all my stitch babys❤️❤️❤️

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