Only A Peck

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It was just another day at school, Jane was gathering her things from her locker that she will need to use for her next class. As Jane was grabbing her book, a note fell out. Jane frown in confusion.

"Hmmm, I wonder where this came from?"

She asked herself as she bend down to get the note. It had her name in a center of a heart.

'Cute. Could it probably be from Tai?'

She thought happily and opened the note.

All your gestures stunned me in a way, I felt light when you hugged me that one day, liked you’d
beg me to stay.
Of course, I’d never let go anyways.

Especially that valuable smile, I’d look at you and you flash it at me.
When I compliment you, your feedback is what I seek, you win.
Always leaving me weak.

What I love about you, there are so many things.
Thinking about it…I’m so glad it’s not a dream.
That’s why reality is here for me.

As I write this poem for you, I’m thinking about you at the same time.
Making words out of the blue to rhyme.

I’m glad I get to know you, and can’t get over your smile too.
This probably seems lame, but there’s just so many things I can’t explain.

Love Matt

Jane was stunned and read it again just to make sure, it was indeed from Matt. She then felt a tap on her shoulder, she turn around and saw Matt standing there was a blush on his face.

"Matt, I'm really touch by your words. Thank you"

She said with a soft smile. Matt blushed more.

"You're welcome"

"I hope you don't mind but what is your purpose on giving me this note?"

She asked with a raised eyebrow. Matt cleared up his throat.

"I just thought you should know how your smile always brightens my dark and blue days. Keep smiling beautiful"

He said as he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before pulling away and walking away with a smile on his face. Jane was stunned watching Matt walk away, she touched her cheek where Matt kissed her and looked down at the note in her hand.

'Maybe if I was to give Matt a chance then maybe I can forget about Tai, and once I get with Matt then the deal will be over. Either way Matt is cute'

She thought with a content smile.

"Oh Matt"

She said softly with a sigh.

"Don't tell me your falling in love with him?"

Said a soft and angry voice breaking Jane out of her day dream. She turn around to the side and saw Tai facing her, leaning one hand against the locker and his leg cross over his other leg. Jane smirk at him and turn back to her locker.

"You're not jealous are you?"

She said smugly. Tai let out a soft growl.

"Its not even official, so don't start getting your head into the clouds."

"Yup, you're jealous"

"I am not. Besides, what do you see in him anyways?"

"Since when did we started questioning other people that we like?"

She asked looking at him with a frown. Tai leaned off the locker and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Answer my question"

"I don't need to give you an answer and there is nothing going on between me and Matt"


He said with a growl. Jane simply laugh and shook her head as she closed her locker and was about to walk away but Tai quickly grabbed her hand pulling her close to him and pressed her up against the lockers. Tai raised one hand back on the locker and leaned his head close to hers.

"I saw that kissed too, so are you sure you don't want to rethink that?"

He asked.

"It was just a friendly kiss"

"Yeah you keep saying that"

He said as he leaned his head down and captured her lips into a gentle and yet fierce kiss, the intense kissed caused Jane to have her eyes rolled back and drop the books in her hand as she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and Tai wrapped one available arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. After the makeout session, Tai and Jane pulled away panting staring into each others eyes, the love could be seen in their eyes but their was unspoken words. Tai and Jane sadly pulled away from each other. Being a gentleman that Tai is, he bend down to get Jane's fallen books. Before he fully stood up he ran his hand against her thighs and slowly lift up her skirt. Jane immediately blushed.


She shouted in embarrassment and pulled her skirt down. Tai chuckled as she slapped his hand away.

"Not here"

She said lowly. Tai leaned over her once more.

"In the Janitor's closet?"

He suggested biting his lips seductively. Jane smirk as she pulled away and gently pulled his tie making him follow her. Tai grinned but frown when they came to a stop.

"No way, not in there"

He said. Jane giggled.

"And why not?"

"Its the girl's restroom"


"So I can't go in there"

"Well I'm not going into the boys restroom, its smelly"

"And just how did you know?"

He asked with a raised eyebrow. Jane turned to him.

"I just guess, but thanks for proving my point"


Tai said slightly glaring at her. Jane shook her head and gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed her books from his hands and began to walk away.

"Just where do you think, you're going?"

He asked as he walked up beside her.

"To class"

"We have the same class"

"I know but I need to do some practicing"

"Practice on what? Do we have a test coming up?"

He asked confused. Jane shook her head.

"A witch thing"

She said in a whisper to his ear.

"Oh. Do you mind if I stay and watch"

"No thanks, you're too distracting"

She said with a smile walking away. Tai smiled and pulled out the note he had slipped into his pocket when Jane's book fell. Tai rolled his eyes and tear it up, throwing it in the trash.

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