School Dance

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Jane was putting her stuff away in her locker when Tai walked up to her.

"Hey, are you going to the dance tonight afterschool?"

"Nah, I have better things to do"

Tai grinned at her.

"Does that translates to 'nobody hasn't asked me to the dance'?

Jane stopped what she was doing and turn to him with a playful glare.

"For your information, I am doing just fine"

"So nobody asked you yet?"

"No Tai"

She said with her hand on her hip.

"Well that's too bad, I could have asked you but I'm already taking Sora"

"Really? She asked you or you asked her or did she force you for to try to make someone jealous?"

She asked as she closed her locker and swung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Are you jealous?"

He asked with a grin walking up beside her. Jane rolled her eyes but on the inside she was hurt that Tai didn't bother to ask her even if they were just going as friends.

"First of all there is nothing to be jealous for, and second of all are you and Sora dating?"

Tai let out a sigh as be stopped causing Jane to stop as well.

"Jane please not this again"

"Just humor me for minute and don't hit me. Is there something going on between you and Sora?"

She asked as she faced him.

"Why is it that everytime when I'm hanging out with Sora, you automatically think we're dating"

"You know that she likes you back then when we were kids"

"I know that but we grew up, those feelings change"

"Well I'm sorry I brought it up."

She said and started walking again. Tai let out another sigh.

"Thank you"

Tai decided to walk Jane home before he leaves for to get ready to pick up Sora for the dance.

"So you're telling me that if you were to see me dating a guy, you wouldn't get jealous?"

Tai gritted his teeth with his back faced to Jane.

"Yes that's exactly what I mean, but you are not really gonna do that out of spite right?"

"I'm not like that. I just want to know if we are on the same page"

"We are"

He said turning around to face her as the elevator doors opened. As Tai and Jane were walking down the hall, Jane stopped causing Tai to bump into her.


He said annoyed.

"Well what do you know"

Jane said with a smile as she looked ahead. Tai raised an eyebrow and looked up ahead and was surprise to see Matt standing by Jane's door.

"Hey Matt!"

Jane called with a wave before Tai even had a chance to stop her.

'What's Matt doing here?"

Tai thought. Matt blushed as he saw Jane and Tai and slowly walked up to Jane.

"What can I do for you?"

She asked with a smile. Matt nervously scratched the back of his head.

"I um, I heard you weren't going to the school's dance tonight"

"That's right"

Matt cleared up his throat nervously.

"So I was wondering if you don't mind going with me?"

Jane thought for a minute and smiled with a nod.

"Yeah sure. Pick me up at 7"

She said walking away from Tai and Matt.

"Bye bye boys"

Matt had a dreamy look on his face waving at Jane. Tai looked at Matt with envy.

"Just how did you get Jane's address anyway?"

He asked breaking Matt out of his fantasy. Matt raised an eyebrow at Tai.

"You make it sound like if its a problem. Besides we are all friends"

He said walking away. Tai suppress a slight growl.

*School's Dance*

Through the whole night Matt and Jane were dancing to every song, little did they know Tai was staring off to a dark corner keeping an eye on Matt making sure he doesn't touch her inappropriate. As the last song came on, it was a slow song.

'Seriously a slow dance song'

He thought with jealousy. He turn his glare to Matt and saw him wrap his arm around Jane's waist and Jane had her arm wrapped around his neck. They were both staring into each other's eyes. Matt must have told her something because Jane blushed at his words. Tai had enough, he didn't care if he came with Sora because she was hanging out with Mimi. Tai walked up to the two and tap Matt on the shoulder putting on a fake smile.

"Hey you don't mind if I dance the last song with Jane right?"

He asked. Matt looked to Jane and softly smiled at her.

"Sure I don't mind"

He said leaving Tai and Jane to dance alone while he went to get some punch for Jane and himself. Jane leaned up close to Tai's ear.

"You mind telling me what that was about?"

"It looked like if you were falling in love with him"

"Why should you care?"

"I don't. Its just he's our friend, we can't date friends"

"You're out with Sora and she's our friend. What's the difference?"

She asked looking up at him with confusion and with hope.

'Is he going to confess to me? Or was he just only looking out for me?'

She thought. Tai let out a sigh in frustration.

'Why can't I tell her, I can ask any girl out but not Jane. Jane is very special to me.'

He thought.

"Okay fine you have a point"

"Thank you, now move aside Matt is coming"

"What's a matter you don't want me anymore?"

He asked with a grin. Jane just smirk at him.

"Its not that, but Matt was the one who asked me to the dance and plus would you rather let everyone know about your deal?"

She asked causing Tai to freeze. Matt soon arrived.

"Hey, here's your drink"

He said handing it to her. He then look to Tai and nudge his arm.

"Doesn't she look gorgeous"

He said. Tai slightly glared at him and then look to Jane.

"Yeah. She sure is beautiful"

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