I Do

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It took Tai only three days to recover since Jane was taking very good care of him. Through the whole time, Tai was thinking about what would it be like to have Jane as his wife and mother of his kids, he knew he was probably going way over his head about having kids but for now he can settle with Jane just being his wife eventually the kids will come after. Tai smiled as he came with a plan on how to propose to Jane. Jane had left for to run some errands while Tai was busy making phone calls.

"Hello this is Blaze Flame restaurant, how can I help you?"

Said a voice from the other line of the phone. Tai smiled.

"Hi I would like to call in for a private reservation for 9 people"

"Okay and on what day would it be sir?"

"Tomorrow night at 7pm, if possible"

"We have an opening and under what name should I put it?"

"Under Kamiya Tai"

"Okay sir, we have everything set"

"Alright thank you so much"

"No problem, have a good day"

Tai smiled as he hanged up.

"Okay that part is set, now I just need to call Mom and Jane's mom and tell them the surprise"

Just then the front door open to reveal Jane.

"I'm home!"

She called out.

"In the living room"

Tai called back. Jane smiled as she made her way to the livingroom and saw Tai closed up his notebook and looked up at her with a smile.

"Hey, so how did it go?"

Tai asked. Jane smiled as she set her clothes down on the couch and went to sit on Tai's lap as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"It went good, but why did you send me to go buy a dress"

"Because tomorrow, I want to take you and the family out for a family dinner"

"Sounds good"

She said as she caress her hand through his hair. Tai closed his eyes enjoying the feeling but was also lost in thought.

'Great, I need to make some phone calls but Jane made it home before I can even finish'

He thought but an idea came to mind as he lift up his head and began to nip at Jane's neck causing her to moan. He then stood up carrying Jane in his arms bridal style and took her to the their room and roughly threw her on the bed. Jane sat up on her elbow and looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and then grinned as she saw Tai began to remove his shirt before crawling on top of her.

'If I can't make the phone calls, I might as well get her tired enough until she falls asleep'

He thought with a grin as he spread her legs apart.

*3hrs Later*

Jane was in deep asleep with a smile on her face, while Tai sat on the edge of his bed with his black briefs on talking to his mother on the phone.

"I already made reservations for everyone, so please dress nice"

"Okay Tai this is so exciting"

Yuuko said happily through the phone. Tai smiled softly.

"So please remember tomorrow at 7"

"Okay. Congrats sweetheart"

"Don't congratulate me yet until she says yes"

Tai said with a soft chuckle as he look back to his sleeping girlfriend. After Tai talk to his mom, he contacted Renamon and Agumon on the computer to come to the real world tomorrow for the surprise. Finally Tai had one last person to contact Jane's mother. Tai let out a sigh as the phone ring.


"Hello Ms. Bailey, it's Tai"

"What can I do for you?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you weren't busy tomorrow because I made reservations at a high class restaurant and..."

"What's the occasion?"

She asked cutting him off from his rambling.

"I'm going to propose to Jane"

There was a moment of silence on the phone and Tai was now frozen, not knowing exactly what else to say until Beth finally spoke.

"What time?"

She asked. Tai smiled in relief and gave her the information.

*Next Day; Night Time; Restaurant*

Tai had gotten a private reservation for Agumon, Renamon and Gatomon. After they ate their meal, Tai ordered everyone a champagne. As everyone had there's ready, Tai stood up.

"Everyone I would like to say thank you for joining me in this special occassion, that would not only change my life but also for Jane"

Jane raised an eyebrow as Tai held out a hand to get her to stand up. Tai smiled at her as he got down on one knee and took out a small black box from his pocket.

"Jane, you have been my long time friend and how could I ever ask for more? You became my girlfriend but now I want to spend the rest of my life with you. What I'm trying to say Jane is will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and the mother to my kids"

Jane was touched by his words and nodded with tears threatening to fall from joy.

"Yes! Yes I will marry you"

Jane said happily. Tai smiled as he took out the ring from the box and slipped it onto Jane's ring finger. He stood up and immediately pressed his lips to Jane as she smiled. Kari stood up holding the glass.

"To Tai and Jane!"

Everyone else followed and happily congratulated the couple. Beth slowly made her way to her daughter and Tai. She smiled at them as she grabbed hold of Jane's hands in hers.

"Sweetheart, I just want to tell you that I was wrong. When Tai told me he was going to propse to you, I didn't realise how wrong I was. Forgive me for ever trying to live my life through you and for pushing you away"

Beth said with tears falling down.

"No mom, you never pushed me away, you were just teaching me how to fly on my own and I did, because of you I met Tai, because of you I have a normal life and because of Tai I realized I love you more for your sacrifice for your strength on raising me"

Jane said as tears trailed down on her face as she hugged her mother tightly.

"I love you mom"

"I love you too sweetheart"

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