The Seven Wonder

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"I have no where to go"

Tai helped Jane inside and led her to the couch to sit. Tai wrapped his arms around her holding her and giving her the comfort she needs even though he doesn't have a clue on what's going on.

"Tai who is that?"

Tai's mother asked as she rubbed her eyes as she walked into the living room.


Tai's mother said in surprise.

"What's going on?"

She asked as she sat on the other side of Jane. Jane then began to explain what happen.

"We'll settle things in the morning so for now you can stay on the couch"

"No, Jane can take my bed. She needs it"

Tai said rubbing Jane's back. Tai's mother smiled.

"However you guys want to arrange it, just get some sleep"

She said as she headed back to her room. Tai went to wake up Agumon and told him they would be sleeping on the couch. Tai helped Jane into bed once she calmed down, Agumon gave Renamon some blankets since it was a cold night. Tai and Agumon slept on the couch.

*Next Morning*

Jane, Tai, Kari and Yuuko were having a discussion about what happend. Yuuko stood up angrily.

"I'm going to need to give her a piece of my mind"

"No please don't make it any worse"

Jane said worriedly. Yuuko smiled at her.

"I'm pretty sure your mother would want to talk about it"

She said as she grabbed her purse and left. Tai, Kari and Jane stood on the table eating.

"Um Jane what exactly is the supreme, I mean I'm just surprise because we been friends a long time and only Tai, Agumon and my mother knows about you being a witch but not me"

"You were too small to understand"

Tai said as be took a sip of his coffee. Jane smiled slightly.

"Just don't tell anyone"

"I promise"

"The Supreme Witch, known more colloquially as The Supreme, is a worldwide status recognized among the community of witchesdescended from the Salem Witch Trials. While most witches possess only a handful of inherent supernatural gifts, the Supreme is said to be the living embodiment of magic itself, identified via their mastery over 7 distinct magical abilities known as "The Seven Wonders": Telekinesis, Divination,Transmutation, Pyrokinesis, Concilium,Descensum, and Vitalum Vitalis. In addition, the Supreme possesses an immunity to all pre-existing ailments and diseases, and are the picture of perfect, radiant health. Their very presence causes the air around them to vibrate with "sheer power". Despite these talents, a Supreme may never possess the ability to perform specific feats of magic inherited by some witches via their own unique family bloodlines, such as clairvoyance, Illusion Manipulation, "Black Widow", or Injury Transference, to name a few. Resurgence is oftentimes inaccessible even to some Supremes, as well.

Unfortunately, Supremacy does not last solely with one witch, as with time the next generation's Supreme will be born and the former Supreme's powers will begin to pass on to their successor. As a result, while the new Supreme flowers, the life force of the former regnant gradually fades, their immune system facing a rapid decline in the form of multiple organ failures, disease, diabetes, and cancer until their inevitable death.

In order for the Salem coven to establish a witch who has inherited Supremacy, multiple witches must undergo the Trial of the Seven Wonders - a set of tasks conducted by theWitches' Council which revolve around all seven of these aforementioned magical abilities. Whichever witch exhibits them all can then lay claim to the title of Supreme, and upon the death of the current Supreme will they inherit the full extent of their magical powers. Despite this, the risk associated with undertaking the Trial of the Seven Wonders can outright kill a witch if they do not possess the magic necessary to complete one of the Trials' specific tasks."

Jane explained. Tai, Kari and Agumon were surprise that their was more to it then just casting spells. After breakfast, Jane stood in Tai's room sitting on the edge of the bed looking at a picture frame of her and her mother. Tai walked into the room and sadly smiled as he sat beside her.

"You know Jane, I'm actually proud of you"

Jane looked up at him in surprise.


"You have a lot of courage to do what what you did, you stand up to your mom. Just don't be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you"

Jane smiled at him.


"No problem. So what's your next move?"

"Well I'm gonna find a place of my own. No offense but it is kind of crowded in here"

Tai chuckled softly but frown.

"But you don't have any money"

Jane smirk at him.

"Don't worry I have money saved"

"Okay just let us know if you need any help"

"Well I will need help moving my stuff in"

"Sure no problem"

After a few hours Yuuko came back.

"I forgotten how stubborn she can be"

She said to herself as she made her way to Jane who was on the couch.

"I'm sorry sweetheart no dice"

"Its okay I understand, thanks for trying"

Just then Jane's cell phone began to ring and saw Matt was calling, she smiled as she answered.


"Hey, Tai called and told me what happend. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Tai offered to let me stay for a few days before I find my own place"

"About that, Jane why didn't you come to me?"

Matt asked confused.

"You lived too far away, I couldn't be able to have enough strength to carry everything over to the next city in the middle of the night."

"Yeah, I see your point. Well thankfulky Yuuko was there"


"But there was one thing I didn't understand when Tai told me about it"

"And what's that?"


Jane froze she needed to come uo with a small lie to cover her story.

"My mom just wanted me to be like her and when I told her no then she got mad but Mrs. Kamiya went to talk to my mother but no dice"

"Wow, I'm really am sorry"

"Don't worry about it all I need to do now is to do it on my own"

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