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Tai and Jane has been flirting with each other non stop either in school, out in the street or even at home. They would laugh at each other's reactions and blushes.


One day at school, Jane was sitting at a table with her group of friends eating their lunch. From across in Jane's path she was looking at a handsome guy. When their eyes met, Jane send a fluttering wink at Tai, and juice flowed out of his nose when he was drinking out of his carton. Tai quickly send a playful glare at Jane and cleaned himself up while Jane laughed confusing her friends as to why she was laughing. Tai smirk and stood up making his way to her table, and said,

"Wow, you’re good at attracting men!"

He said walking away leaving Jane blushing and her friends laughing.

*Field Trip*

Another time happen when they went on a school field trip. It was getting pretty boring for Jane's taste, so she decided to take out her phone and began taking selfies. Tai smirk as he saw her taking selfies, he approached her and cleared up his throat and tapped her on the shoulder and whispered.

“Excuse me, miss, but please don’t photograph the art objects.“

Jane turn her head to the side and smirk at him with a raised eyebrow

"I was only taking selfies"

She explained. Tai grinned and replied,

"I know,"

and winked at her before walking away.


On Sunday morning, Jane bought herself a cup of coffee. As she was about to walk away, the cashier gave her a bread, she smiled politely at him.

"I'm sorry but I didn't order this"

The cashier looked at her and smiled.

"I know but he did it for you"

He said pointing to a gentlemen standing a few feet away. Jane look and smirk as she saw Tai looking at her with a grin. Jane shook her head as she walked away with the bread and coffee in hand, she looked at it after a few steps, and saw "Call me" written with chocolate crumbs in the foam. Jane smiled but couldn’t understand why she would call if they already been exchange numbers. After a while Jane drank all the coffee. There was his number written on the bottom of the cup. This was the sweetest pickup attempt in her whole life.

*Late For School*

Tai was panting, he had woken up late and plus he had Jane waiting for him, because he promised her that they would walk to school together.  Quickly he went on a elevator, little did he know Jane was on the other elevator going up on his floor, to see what was taking him so long. As Tai was running down the street, he suddenly realize he forgot his school bag. Tai groan as he ran back and goes back up to the 20th floor to his apartment, as he stepped out of the elevator he saw Jane walking towards his direction from his apartment, he smiled brightly at her.

"Jane can you wait by the elevators for me, just for a couple of seconds"

Jane rolled her eyes and nodded.


Tai ran to his apartment for his school bag. Just then Tai's mother stick her head out of the kitchen.

"Oh sweety, Jane was just here"

"I know mom, gotta go love you"

He said in a rush as he hears the elevator doors closing.

'Why she would be so mean and leave me?'

He thought. As Tai came running back, and there she is waiting for him without the elevator. Tai smiled and was touched by her action even though, they both will get to school late.

*School's Soccer Game*

The crowd was cheering happily as Tai scored the last winning goal into the net. Tai happily threw a fist in the air. As the crowd started to leave, Tai smiled as he made his way to Jane who was leaning over the fence on the bleachers. Before he could make his way to her, a group of cheerleaders giggled at Tai and Tai looked to them with a wave.

"Nice winning baby"

One said with a wink.

"How about we go celebrate"

Another suggested. Tai smiled at them and shook his head as he made his way to Jane.

"You ready to go?"

Tai asked.

"Who me or your fan club?"

Jane asked with a smirk as she pointed behind Tai, Tai look back and saw the girls blowing him kisses. Tai sweatdropped and turn his way back to Jane.

"But of course with you, unless you would rather I go and pick out one of the girls from over there"

He suggested with a grin. Jane grinned as she pushed him lightly walking away and Tai quickly followed her.

"You had me waiting all night for you, don't make me wait any longer, stud"

She said softly. Tai followed right behind her and grinned as he began to check her out from her behind. Jane stopped and looked back with a slight glare causing Tai to stop as well and look up at her.


He asked confused as to why she would stop.

"Walk ahead of me"

She stated firmly.


He asked with a slight whine.

"I felt your eyes burning into my ass"

"I'm not hearing you complaining"

He said playfully.

"Go ahead of me"

"Okay okay, if you wanted to check out my ass too, all you had to do was ask"

He said walking ahead of her and shook his butt. Jane couldn't help but laugh and spank him before running off.


Tai yelled as he grabbed his butt and ran after Jane who was still laughing. Tai could have ran ahead of Jane but what fun would that be since he could clearly see Jane's panties when she is running and her skirt going up slightly giving him a good view of her legs and panty. He smirk as he continued to chase after her.

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