New Friends

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Jane was taking a stroll to the park with Renamon hiding in the shadows not too far from Jane.

"You would think after saving the world, people would stop bickering about the digimons"

"Humans have a tendency of not letting things go and I should say the same about you"


Jane said with a playful glare, Renamon just giggled softly. Jane rolled her eyes and looked ahead and saw a guy around her age walking towards her on the same sidewalk.

"Well well well, the digidestined are never to far away now are they"

Jane said with a smirk. Renamon frown.

"What do you mean?"


As the kid walked past Jane with a smile in a greeting, Jane quickly levitated an item out of his pocket and gently place it on her hand.

'Its a Digivice'

She thought. Jane smiled and ran up to the guy.

"Hey excuse me kid, I think you dropped this"

The guy stopped and checked his pocket and gasp and smiled as he took back his D-Scanner.

"Oh thanks"

"That's a pretty nice digivice"

"Hahaha thanks.... Uh wait how do you know what it is?"

He asked with a raised eyebrow. Jane smiled.

"Because I have one too"

She said as she took out her digivice and showed it to him.

"Wow that's really cool. Hey listen I'm about to go meet up with my friends, you are more than welcome to come"

"Sure. Thanks"

"My name is Takuya"

He said as he stretched out his hand. Jane smiled and shook his hand.


Together they started walking towards another direction of the park with Renamon still following.

"So is there more of you here in this city?"

"Oh yeah definitely"

"Cool we just came from another city and met this cool guy and his friends. They're names are Takato, Rika and Henry. They have their own digimons and for me and my friends our digimon are actually a spirit and can digivolve through us"

"Wow amazing"

As soon as they arrived at a picnic table, Jane saw three boys and one girl. Takuya happily greeted them and introduce Jane.

"She is also a digidestined."

He explained.

"Jane these are my friends JP, Tommy, Zoe and Koji"

"Hi please to meet you"

Jane smiled at them as they all began to talk.

"Now I would like to introduce you to my partner, Renamon"

Renamon then appeared from a top of a branch and jumped down and greeted them.

"Wow, hey Jane do you think we can meet your friends?"

Tommy asked. Jane smiled and took out her cellphone.

"I was already planning on it"

She said as she began to call the others. In no time, everyone was at the park and greeted each other. Tommy, JP, Koji, Zoe and Takuya were surprise by all the digimons they had.

"So how about you show us yours?"

Tai asked. Takuya grinned and nodded to his friends, together they shouted.

"Execute, spirit evolution!!!!!"

Where Takuya, Tommy, Zoe, JP and Koji were standing another digimon was standing in their place. It was Lobomon, Flamemon, Kazemon, Kumamon and Beetlemon. The others were stunned at their appearance.

"That's incredible"

Matt said.


Tai said. Beside Jane was Renamon who couldn't help but blush at Lobomon.

'I have to remember, he's a half human breed'

Renamon thought as she turn her head away from staring at Lobomon. Although Lobomon did spot Renamon staring at him with a blush. He couldn't help himself as he made his way to Renamon and gave her a kiss on the cheek causing her eyes to open wide and stare at Lobomon with a bright blush across her face. The others were even in shock. Jane giggled.

"I think Renamon has a thing for Gaururumon"

Causing Gabumon and Renamon to blush. Renamon crossed her arms over her chest and disappeared.

"Will she be okay?"

Matt asked as he wraps his arm around Jane's waist. Jane nodded with a smile. The others started talking to the digimon hybrids getting to understand the evolution. As they were busy talking, Gabumon made his way to where he knew where Renamon was hiding. He looked up to the tree in curiosity.

" you like me by any chance?"

Renamon was indeed up in the tree and blushed when she heard Gabumon asked his question but remained quiet. Not too far away, Agumon was staring at the interaction with a slight frown but remained quiet because he knew the times he spent with Renamon, she's not really an open book like Jane. (A/N: Just so you know, Agumon likes Renamon eventually they'll get together) Renamon rolled her eyes.

'You got the wrong idea. Its not that I like you, I just thought you were cute'

Renamon thought. She then looked up ahead and saw Agumon glaring towards her direction. Renamon raised an eyebrow in confusion.

'Why is he mad? Could he be....jealous?'

She thought as another blush came to her face.

'Great, I been blushing all day'

As Agumon continue to stare he couldn't help but feel slightly jealous when he saw the kiss.

'Renamon please don't fall in love with someone else, the thing is I actually love you but because of Jane and Tai's distance it made it harder for me to confess to you and even if I do and you accept it, we still can't be together because Matt will question Tai and it will but nothing but a big huge mess'

Agumon thought sadly.

"But I need to talk to Tai and tell him how I feel about Renamon for he and Jane can still hang out as friends for that way Renamon and I could hang out and I could tell her then'

He thought confidently on his plan. After a couple of hours, everyone splitted saying their goodbyes, since it was getting late. Matt was about to take Jane home but receive a call from his dad that he was home early, so Matt had to get home.

"That's fine. Don't worry Renamon will protect me"

Matt was uncertain and looked around and saw Tai talking with Agumon. He slowly made his way to them, but when Agumon saw him coming he stood quiet.

"Hey Tai do you mind if you can walk Jane home?"

Tai smiled and nodded.

"Sure, no problem"

He said. Matt smiled and waved.


Tai looked down at Agumon.

"You got your wish"

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