Stay With Me

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A couple of months past, Tai and Jane couldn't be happier especially Tai because now he has Jane all to himself. They were currently in Jane's apartment, laying down on the couch. Tai was laying on top of Jane in a heavy makeout. Jane pulled away to catch her breathe but Tai continue to kiss her trailing down to her throat and began to nip and suck at a sensitive skin.


Jane said with a slight pant.


Tai said his voice vibrating against her throat not bothering to remove his mouth. Jane rolled her eyes.

"Don't you want to do something besides being coop up in here?"

She asked. Tai slowly pulled away and looked into Jane with a smile.

"What do you want to do?"

He said before placing a small kiss on Jane's lips. Jane thought for a moment and smiled.

"How about a party?"

"A party for what?"

"I never gotten a welcoming house party"

Tai chuckled.

"Okay, if that's what you want. Who do you want to invite? And when do you want the party?"

"How about all our friends and family"

"Even your mom, Matt and Sora?"

"Of course, we settle things between us. So every thing is fine"


"How about today?"

Tai raised an eyebrow.

"But we're gonna have to start shopping now?"

"That would be no problem"

She said with a smile as she withered her way out of Tai and stood up looking around and with a wave of her hands, party balloons, banners, cups, chips, food, table covers, party games, chocolate fountain, drinks, ice chest appeared and everything was set. Tai stood up and took a look around.

"Um Jane, maybe next time we should trying actually going to the store"

Jane tilt her head in confusion.

"What for?"

"Because the neighbors will wonder where you get everything if you don't even leave the apartment"

Jane nodded in understanding and looked around before looking back at Tai.

"So you want me to get rid of all of this"

She asked. Tai chuckled wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Well its done now, so might as well put it to good use"

Jane smiled and went to grab Tai's cellphone.

"I did the work now you have to call them"

Tai playfully glared at Jane as she gave him a kiss on his nose. The party to take full swing, music was playing, friends were laughing, talking and dancing. Unfortunately, Jane's mother couldn't be able to make it to the party. Jane smiled as she saw everyone having fun.

'Now this is much better, I won't have to be alone but eventually everyone is going to need to go back home. (Sigh) maybe Tai can stay with me for just one more night. I know he been sleeping over only in the weekends and Renamon is at the digital world but I don't want to be alone anymore, I am tired of waking up alone and going to sleep alone.'

She thought sadly as she but was distracted by Kari who placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Jane turn around and smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine. How about we cut some cake now"

Kari smiled.

"Sounds good"

After the party, Tai stayed to help Jane clean up the mess.

"Okay I guess that's the last of it"

Tai said as he made his way to the door. Jane followed close behind him.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay"

Tai said turning around to face her.


Jane said quietly staring at him with pleading eyes to stay but Tai didn't notice. He bend down to give her a kiss on the lips but Jane immediately wrapped her arms around his neck preventing him from pulling away. Tai chuckled and slowly tried to pull away.

"Jane its getting late"

"I know"

Jane said not bothering to release her hold on him.

"I probably should be getting back"

"Let's make love"

She said with a wide smile. Tai smiled.

"I would love to do that babe but we have been doing it all day since the morning"


Jane said with a whine as Tai made his way to open the door.

"I'll be back tomorrow okay. I promise"

He said as he left and closed the door before Jane can pull him back inside. Before Tai took a step, he frown in thought.

'Wow, what's got into Jane? Everytime when I leave Jane comes up with an excuse for me to stay, could it possibly be that Jane doesn't want to be alone but why?'

He thought as he turn around and opened the door to Jane's apartment. He found her still standing there where he left her.


He asked. Jane tried to cover her sadness and smile at Tai.


"You don't want to be alone, huh?"

Jane sadly looked down and shook her head. Tai let out a sigh and walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What's wrong? What did you do exactly to keep yourself busy before?"

"I don't want to be alone. It never bothered me before because I was always busy studing for school but now my life at school is over, I just want more company"

Tai nodded in understanding kissing her on her forehead.

"Can you stay with me?"

Tai smiled.

"Yeah I can"

"Can you live with me instead?"

She asked as a blush crawled up on her face. Tai froze, he wasn't expecting that.

"Jane....isn't that moving a little bit too fast?"

"Its not like we just met, I mean we are always at each other's house so it's practically like we already live with each other"

Tai smiled and looked into Jane's eyes.

"Okay, let's take a step on our relationship"

"Oh thank you, thank you"

She said wrapping her arms around his neck and gave him kisses on his neck.

"I'll talk to my parents about moving out"

"How about I just snap my finger and have your room already here?"

She suggested. Tai chuckled.

"That would be easy but it would be best if people see"

"Oh right"

Jane smiled with a giggle.

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