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"Tai!! Come on get up, I'm heading to the store. Do you want to come?"

Jane called from the livingroom as she packed up her purse. She frown as she didn't get a response, she looked towards the direction of the room where she and Tai share the room together, even the same bed. Jane smirk as she placed both her hands on her hips and headed towards the room.


She said quietly. As she entered she saw Tai sitting on the edge of the bed looking down. Jane smiled as she stood by the doorway.

"Hey, do you want to come?"

She asked. Tai slowly looked towards her and was about to stand but end up falling to his knees. Jane gasp as she quickly ran to his side to help him up back on the bed.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just tripped over something"

Tai said tiredly. Jane frown because it was obvious he was lying because there was nothing standing in his way. Jane placed a hand over his forehead and gasp at the hot touch.

"Oh my gosh Tai, your burning up. Come let's get you back into bed"

She said as she gently push Tai back down and got him under the covers. Jane quickly went to grab a cloth and a small container filling it up with cold water. She sat beside Tai and dumped the cloth into the cold water, gently squeezing it and placed it over Tai's forehead.


Tai said with hooded eyes trying to sit up but Jane pushed him back down.

"You are not going anywhere"

She said as she stood up and headed to the bathroom to grab a thermometer and placed it in Tai's mouth. She then grabbed a notebook and pen and placed it on the small table beside the bed. Once it beeped, Jane wrote down the number and the time.

"Okay that's done"

She said quietly as she dimed the lights with a wave of her hand for to not cause Tai any headaches. Tai gently smiled as he slowly closed his eyes. Just then Tai heard his cell phone ring and quickly tried to reach out for it but Jane grabbed it and forced him to lay back down.

"I'm sorry, Tai can't come to the phone right now"


"He's sick"


"Okay. I'll let him know. Thank you for calling"

Jane said as she hanged up the phone.

"Who was that?"

He asked tiredly.

"Nobody you have to worry about"

"That was my boss huh?"

"Its friday, you have a long weekend. Missing one day is not going to hurt you. Besides he said 'I hope you get well'"

Jane said as she grabbed the cloth once again and gently dumped it inside the cool water and placed it back on Tai's forehead. Tai let out a sigh and was about to close his eyes but felt the bed got lighter. He opened his eyes to see Jane had left.


He said quietly but that caused a tickle to his throat causing a rough cough to erupt from his dry throat. Jane soon returned back with a tray with a hot steamy cup.

"This is for to help soothe your throat and lower the fever"

She said. Tai looked and saw it had a straw in it, he smiled slighty.

'Jane sure does know how to take care of me'

"I'm gonna head to the store real quick and grab a couple of things, make sure you finish the tea and try not to talk too much because then that cough won't let you take a nap"


He said quietly as he carefully grabbed the tea and began to suck through the straw. Jane leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be back before you know it"

Tai smiled at her gratefully. Tai and Jane have been living together for a couple of months now and they couldn't be happier. Tai was also working for the UN. After Tai was done drinking his tea, he immediately fell asleep. It didn't take long for Jane to return.

"Honey, wake up. I brought you soup to eat"

Jane said softly as she gently shook him. Tai woken up with a start and looked to Jane with blood shot eyes. Jane gently smiled at him, and removed the cloth from his forehead. Tai panted as he cough but the cough hurted his sore throat from all the coughing. Tai tiredly looked to the bowl and shook his head.

"I'm not hungry"

"I didn't ask you, whether you like it or not, you need to eat for that way your body could gain some energy. Now open wide"

She said as she began to feed him, she didn't serve him too much because she knew he wouldn't be able to finish all of it. After Tai was done eating, Jane check his fever once again and smiled as she notice the change from when she checked earlier.

"Okay, you're fever is calming down a bit, so that's good. Now you just need to take some medicine for that cough and sore throat."

Tai grabbed hold of Jane's hand.

"Thank you for taking care of me"

Jane smiled at him.

"Hey we're in this together for better or worse, hahaha I make it sound like if we're married"

Tai smiled at her, as he gently carress her hand in his.

"I wouldn't mind"

He said softly causing Jane to blush.

"Wouldn't you like it if we were married"

"I think you need to rest Tai"

Tai smiled because he knew he just left Jane speechless.

"You're not gonna get sick right?"

He asked with concern looking at her with tired eyes. Jane shook her head.

"No why?"

"Come and cuddle with me"

He said quietly. Jane smiled as she got on the other side and snuggled up beside him, as he has an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"Good night"

"Good afternoon actually but a nap won't hurt"

Jane said with a slight laugh before closing her eyes, as she thought about the idea of her and Tai married.

'It was probably the fever that made him delusional'

She thought.

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