Practice On Pleasure

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Warning Lemon! Enjoy!

Jane and Tai were finally starting high school together. Tai decided to take Jane out for to celebrate the occasion. The deal between them was still on and Tai decided to see how far he can take Jane because he wanted to experience the next level but he just hopes Jane was up to it. Jane and Tai sat across from each other at the table in the dim lights away from the people's eyes, their food was on the table as they enjoyed their small talk.

"Jane I been thinking lately that what if we can take the deal up a notch"


"Sexual favors and may I just say that you look very lovely tonight"

"Thank you for saying that, but-"

From across the table, he reached out and pressed her lips together firmly with his index finger.

"Shhhhh, come closer,"

He instructed, carefully moving their soda glasses and remaining food towards the centre of the table. They slid closer towards the center of the booth. Jane wore a summer dress. It was just above her knees. A peach coloured dress with a lace trim around the neckline. Tai bought it for her birthday a couple of months ago and she loved it. Just as Jane thought of this, Tai's strong, muscular hands reached for her then. Her impulse was to shrivel back, but she let him touch her.

'It feels so forbidden, but so good.'

She thought as one hand pushed her long hair behind her shoulder, while the other hand grazed her breasts, nipples erect in response. With one hand firmly against her back, he traced the other one down her tummy and left leg, inching towards the hem of her dress.

"How would you... like to feel and experience an orgasm right now?"

He asked. Jane gasped. Tai tightened his grip on her leg.

"Shhhh, it will be fun. Don't you want to cum? I tried it last night and it was fun, now I want you to experience it with me"

Jane thought for a moment biting her lip. She can feel her heart was beating faster, she never saw this side of Tai before....ever.

'I did. I absolutely wanted to experience this with Tai, but just not right now.'

She thought. Tai gave her a kiss on the side of her neck getting her attention again.


He asked

"I, uh, yes, but not here."

She stated but Tai's hand moved again towards her knee, sliding up the fabric of her dress.

"No one will notice, unless you get loud,"

He promised. The table cloth provided enough cover. The handful of patrons in the restaurant were scattered among the front tables, enjoying the sunlight, while they hovered in the dark like naughty perverts. Tai smirk as his hand started navigating skilfully around her panties, his fingers softly massaged her pulsating clitoris. Jane was instantly wet.

"Open your legs,"

He commanded in a whisper. The bartender was wiping the glasses, oblivious to their deed. Jane complied with a blush on her face. The panties were slipped down and off to one side. The massage resumed in a circular fashion. The gooeyness dripped down her crevice, into her ass, where he abruptly inserted his thumb. Jane jolted.

"Stay still and hush,"

He instructed, staring at her now, not leaving her eyes.

"Look at me. I want your eyes on me while I make you cum."

He said huskily, Jane did as he asked, quivering slightly at first, planting her palms against the edge of the table to keep her composure. Jane moaned a little, then bit her lip to keep it in. The shaking continued. A spoon fell off the table. Two plates rang together. She balled her hand into a fist, clinching the table cloth, as two fingers fucked her pussy now while his thumb stabbed her ass covered in her juices. Opening wide, Jane tossed her head back, releasing her milky cum, all over his hand, running down her leg and onto the velvet covered bench.

'That was incredible.'

Tai thought, slowly, carefully, he slid out from between her legs, patting her on the knee on his way up. His hand on her back now cradled her neck, holding her in place as he stuck wet fingers in her mouth.

“Taste yourself,”

Tai offered, smiling. Jane licked one of his fingers before he shoved it in, forcing her to suck it. First one, then two and Jane couldn't help but close her eyes and moan at the strange taste. Tai slowly removed his fingers as Jane opened her eyes to stare at him with lust fulled eyes. Tai had the same gleam in his eyes after he just finished enjoying a nice show. Jane abruptly stood up from her seat and threw herself at Tai catching him by surprise in a heated and yet passionate kiss. Tai moaned as he wrapped his arms around her waist and Jane was sitting on his lap roaming her hand around his neck and hair. The moment was interrupted when they heard someone clear their throat. Jane pulled back panting and look to see a waiter.

"I'm afraid you will need to take your business else where"

Tai and Jane blushed and nodded as they left out of the restaurant after paying. Once they reached the park, Jane stared at Tai as he leaned his back against the tree and Jane leaning against him face to face.

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me"

She said worriedly. Tai smirk as he leaned down.

"Come on don't apologize, this was fun"

He said as he captured her lips into a heated kiss once more. After the make out session was over, Jane was panting and stared up at Tai, their faces still centimeters away.

"Is this only for experience?"

She asked softly. Tai bit his lip, he always wanted to do this Jane but he reminded himself that this was better than the rejection.


He said just as softly. Jane nodded as she leaned up and kissed him once again into a heated kiss.

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