I'm Sorry

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The next day, Tai stood in front of the door of Jane's home holding a bouquet of flowers. He let out a sad sigh as he knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door open to reveal Jane. Jane stepped out closing the door behind her with her hair levitating up high, she then stood in front of him with her arms cross over her chest. Tai was surprise by the hair.


He stated simply, he then pointed up.

"Um your hair is..."

He said trailing of. Jane gave a confuse look and gently touch her hair and gasp when she felt it levitating, she immediately brushed it down and tried to look serious.

"What do you want?"

She asked. Tai let out a sigh as he held out the flowers to her.

"I want to apologize for my action towards you, yesterday"

Jane cast her eyes down.

"No, I'm sorry I knew I was going over the limit, I just kept pushing your buttons but you were also lying to me and all I wanted was the truth."

Tai took a step towards Jane and placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at him.

"I swear, Jane there is nothing going on between us. Sora just wanted to hang out a lot more and truthfully I'm starting to like her but its not enough to the point I want to break off this deal between us, until its official"

Jane gave him a concern look. Tai smiled and raised one hand holding the flowers.

"I promise you"

He said. He then took notice he was holding on to the flowers and smiled sheepishly handing her the flowers.

"These are for you"

Jane couldn't help but smile as she grabbed the roses.

"Thank you"

Tai smiled in return as he placed his hand on her cheek where he hit her and was surprise to see no bruise.

"You healed fast"

He noted. Jane smiled.

"Just one of the perks of being a witch"

Tai smiled and nodded in understanding and leaned his head down to capture Jane's lips in a sweet kiss. Once they pulled away, Jane couldn't help that a blush made itself known on her face. Tai grinned at her face.

"Um would you like to come in?"

She asked as she opened the door. Tai nodded as he followed her inside.

"Is you're mother home?"

He asked.


As Tai entered the home he was surprise to see it was very dark and only candles that lighted up the room.

"Did you guys forgot to pay for your electricity bill?"

He asked. Jane laughs.

"No, my mother is just very old fashion."

"So what were you doing causing your hair to levitate?"

He asked as he sat on a chair next to a table. He saw a small bowl, a cup full of red liquid, black candles, small powder jars and a knife.

"I was just doing a spell"

She said with her back towards Tai as she gathered two cups from the cabinet. Unknowing that Tai grabbed the cup that was filled with red liquid and began to drink it. Once Tai tasted it, he spit it out coughing. Jane quickly turned around and notice Tai holding the cup that was on the table.

"Oh my gosh Tai, why did you drink that?"

She asked as she handed him a cup of water to wash off the taste in his mouth.

"What the hell was that?"

He asked once he caught his breathe and cleaned up his mouth.

"It was blood"

"I thought it was just a fruit punch juice"

Jane couldn't help but laugh as she looked at the mess. Tai took notice of the mess.

"I'm sorry about the mess"

"Its fine, I'll clean it up"

"Well, I guess this will be the last time I ever drink anything red"

They both laugh together. After a few hours of talking and making out, it was time for to go back home. Jane walked Tai out, as he stepped outside he looked to her nervously.

"So are you going with anyone to Matt's concert?"

"No, but Matt did give me a back stage pass. Are you going?"

"Maybe. You want to go together? Matt gave me a backstage pass too"


Jane said with a bright smile. Tai smiled in return as he leaned down capturing Jane's lips in a loving kiss as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Jane let out a small moan as their tongue touch, she slowly wrap her arms around his neck and started rubbing her hand through his thick and yet soft hair. They both pulled apart panting with a slight blush on their face. Tai pulled back his arms and Jane removed her arms from his neck.

"Okay then see you at school tomorrow"


Tai smiled and waved as he left. Jane smiled as she entered into her home and couldn't help but jump for joy at the thought of Tai asking her out on a date, but it wasn't really a date, they're just going as friends but still a girl could dream right. Little did Jane know, Tai was also having his own victory dance of asking Jane to go to the concert with him even though its not a real date he can still pretend.

*With Jane*

Jane was still leaning against the door dreamingly staring off into space. Just then the door knock, breaking her out of her fantasy. Jane smiled thinking it was Tai, she then giggled and opened the door.

"Did you forget something Tai?"

She asked. When she didn't get a response, she open her eyes and gasp covering her mouth and slowly put her hand down.



Her mother asked as Jane stepped aside with her head low as her mother walked in. Jane closed the door and followed her mother into the dining hall. Jane sat across from her and tried to change the subject about Tai.

"So what did the judges say?"

"You will need to start preparing yourself before you're 18 because that's when the new supreme will be elected. Do you understand?"

She said firmly. Jane put her head down.

"Yes Mother"

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