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The next day Matt went to Jane's new apartment.

"Hey Jane, you need to move any new furnitures?"

Jane turned around and smiled.

"No thanks, I got all of that part done, so all I need now is to put up some things like frames, oh and I am planning to get a big fish tank, along with lava lamps, and more clothes"

She said excitedly. In all honesty Jane levitated mostly all the heavy furnitures. Matt smiled at Jane.

"Sounds like you have everything you always wanted"

"Well almost everything"

"Don't worry everything takes time, but I do have a question"

"What is it?"

She asked as she grabbed his hand in hers and led him to sit on the couch beside her.

"Why did you decide to live right close to Tai?"

"What are you infering?"

She asked with a raised eyebrow. Matt let out a sigh.

"Is there something going on between you and Tai?"

Jane's eyes open wide.

"What? No"

"I'm just saying because its kind of odd that you came to Tai when your mom kicked you out and now you are living very close to him"

He said with a frown. Jane smiled.

"I have a reason for all of that. One, my mom and Mrs. Kamiya were long time friends that's how me and Tai are so close because we were close when we were babies. Two, you lived far. Three, I could have gotten a place that was three city overs but I decided to stay close by and the next thing we know the manager was renting an apartment"


Matt said after Jane finished explain.

"I'm letting you know now because I assure you Tai is nothing but a friend"

'I think now I should tell him'

Jane thought.

"But there is one thing, and I feel like I can trust you with it. So please don't hate me for this"

"What do you mean?"

"Matt, I'm a witch"

Matt frown and then began to laugh.

"Yeah right, that's very funny"

Jane cast her eyes down sadly and lift up her hand and all the lights turned off causing Matt to stop laughing. Jane then turn the lights back on. Matt look to Jane.

"That could have been anything"

He said nervously. Jane then levitated the couch they were sitting in. Matt froze and looked to Jane and quickly hopped off the couch. Jane stood up as well.

"Matt, wait. Where are you going?"

"I-I need some space"

He said quickly running out of Jane's apartment. Jane remain in place hurt and alone. Days went by and Jane has been trying to get in contact with Matt but somehow, Jane only manages to get his voicemail.

'Matt please I know this was a huge shock for you, believe me I know but I trust you that's why I told you. Please just call me back for we can sort this out together'

Jane said once again on the voicemail. Jane waited by the phone for a few hours but no call, until finally she decided to head to the Kamiya's apartment. She no longer wanted to feel alone. Jane let herself in and even the Kamiya's let themselves into her apartment.


Jane called, Tai hurriedly came out of his room and was in shock to see Jane in tears and pacing back and forth.

"Jane what's wrong?"

He asked as he grabbed hold of her shoulders to have her look up at him.

"You were right. Mom was right too"

"About what?"

"I told Matt and he haven't said a word to me. History is repeating itself"

She cried. Tai pulled Jane into a deep and comforting hug as he thought about what to do. After a while, he pulled away and looked her in the eye.

"Its okay. I'm gonna tell you what we are going to do, you are going to drink some tea to calm down and I will talk to Matt."

Jane nodded as she wiped away her tears.

"Thank you Tai"

"No problem"

He said with a smile. Tai called Matt.


"Hey yourself, we need to talk about Jane. Come over and talk to her, she's panicking right now"

He heard Matt let out a sigh.


He said quietly. Tai and Jane waited for 30 minutes until Matt finally showed. Jane and Matt sat on the couch but Matt kept some far distance between them while Tai remained standing and told Matt the story.

"Wait, so her mom kicked her out because she found out she's a witch"

"No, her mom kicked her out because Jane no longer wants to be a witch but it's in her blood. Jane just wants to be normal"

"Have you seen what she could do? She lift up the couch I was sitting in"

Tai let out a sigh.

"I know what Jane is capable of doing, I saw it when I was just a kid but you have to understand Matt, she made a scarifice even though it was by force and you just leaving her without a word was wrong"

Matt let out a sigh as he looked at the ground before he looked to Jane.

"I'm sorry Jane, really I am but I don't think I can do this. I'm not judging but I just can't wrap my mind that the things you could do isn't normal"

"What are you saying?"

Jane asked in slight fear.

"I'm saying its over. I'm sorry"

He said in guilt as he stood up and Jane stood up crying.

"I should go"

He said quietly.


Tai said quietly.

"Don't mention a word about this to anyone"

"About what?"

He asked with a smirk. Tai smiled as Matt left, he looked back to Jane who was trying to stay calm as tears continue to roll down ber cheek.

"I'm gonna be alone"

She said quietly. Tai wrapped his arms around her bringing her in for a hug as he whispered into her ear.

"No you're not. I'm still here and you have Agumon and Renamon right beside you but just not at the moment because their on a date"

He said causing a small laugh to come from Jane.

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