Touch Me

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The times that Jane and Tai hanged out, Jane has gotten more confident in how to touch, how to seduce and flirt with Tai to the point Tai forgets about the deal at times. Tai knew she wasn't taking it serious but she put up a good act to the point he also flirts back and kiss her with such heated passion. Tai and Jane were currently at the Kamiya's apartment. Jane was inside Tai's room leaning against Tai's bed. She ran her hands along the smooth comforter and closed her eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Tai asked as he stepped inside the room and saw Jane running her hand against the sheets. Jane smiled amd looked up at him with a seductive look sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Just imagining myself naked, sliding on the sheets"

She said huskily. Tai immediately felt something stir awake inside his pants.

“Do you like my bed?”

He asked drying his hair with the towel since he just finished taking a shower. She snatched her hands away from the bed sheets as if she’d been burned. She turned to the closet where Tai stood, watching her. He’d put on a loose fitting pair of jeans and a black shirt he hadn’t buttoned. His feet were still bare. She definitely liked what she saw.

“It’s a nice bed."

She said huskily

"Is this where we’ll…”

She said trailing off biting her lips seductively at Tai. Although she knew what she asked she couldn’t say the words, after all this is how she and Tai been playing a lot lately. It was like playing with fire. He walked over, placing his hands on the bed and trapping her between it and him. The heat from his body radiated toward her. Time seemed to freeze as the force of her attraction buzzed within her. She knew it was only a game but still she was enjoying every moment.

She hesitated, before lifting her hands and placing them on his chest. His skin was surprisingly soft over the hard muscles underneath since he has been playing soccer a lot lately. He flexed his pecs and she jerked. Her pinky finger accidentally flicking over his flat nipple and his breathing pick up. He lightly ran a finger down her cheek.

"My plan was to wait, but you’re making it very difficult."

Tai said looking into Jane's eyes. Slowly lust was building into both of their eyes. Jane shivered as he gently traced her earlobe.


"Because right now all I want to do is take your clothes off, throw you on that bed, and get deep inside you."

He said seductively. As he leaned his face close to her, their noses touching and they could feel the tingling of their breathe on each other's lips.

'Oh, God, what am I doing? I can't be this serious, but I would like to see how far I can take him'

She thought despite her fear she said,

“Then…then do it.”

He stared at her for what felt like hours before he closed the distance between them and kissed her. Fire spread throughout her body, so hot she was sure he could feel it. His lips were firm and demanding against hers. When his tongue reached out for entrance into her mouth she quickly obliged. He immediately filled her mouth with his tongue and Jane’s hands clenched against his chest. He groaned, kissing her harder. Jane pulled away slightly, scared of the sensation.

"Easy Tai, easy"

Jane said lowly before Tai captured her lips once more into a heated kiss. His hand came up to caress her breast through her shirt, softly massaging her aching flesh. When his thumb brushed across her nipple she trembled as liquid heat replaced her bones. His other hand clutched her waist, pulling her against him. He reached around to cup her behind as he pressed his erection against her. His mouth left hers, kissing his way to her ear.

“I’m going to touch you,”

He said, his hand leaving her butt to pop open the button of her shorts. Excitement and fear trembled within her. It was happening to fast. His tongue played with the curve of her ear.

“Tell me to touch you.”

Her zipper released, and his hands skimmed along the waistband of her panties. All reasoning left.

“Touch me.”

Tai leaned closer to her and was about to pull her into another kiss but Jane pulled back away from him laughing.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that I did that 'Touch me' hahahaha. Wow that was so cheesy"

She said as she got off the bed leaving Tai frozen and shock at what just happend. He slowly stood up and looked to Jane with a slight hurt in his eyes but quickly replaced it with an uneasy smirk.

"Yeah, that was a good one."

He said nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

"I'm just gonna head back to the bathroom"

"What for?"

Jane asked as she fixed up her hair.

"To take care of something"

Tai said with a sad sigh to take care of his problem in the bathroom.

'Man, I can't believe I fell for that. It felt so real, like if she meant it. Ugh I don't think I can do this anymore, this was a bad idea from the start, I need to tell Jane how I feel about her but.....I'm scared to be rejected, from what I know she is probably playing'

Tai thought sadly in the bathroom. As Jane was fixing her hair, she couldn't help but think what just happened.

'I don't know what came over me. Its like if my emotions got the best of me this time around. I love Tai and I know I can't tell him but this time it actually looked like if he loves me or was it just the hormones or the heat of the moment. I want to give myself to Tai but that's only if he returns my feelings. I know he likes Sora but I'm so much better than her'

She thought sadly.

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