Chapter 3

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Everything was identical to the room we slept in, except there was only one bed and no window with a crazy man and women on the other side.

Why would there be another room? And only one bed? The sheets were done nicely, so it didn't look like anyone had been in here, but why all the secrecy?

"Alright I think everyone should move some of there stuff over to this room so that we don't have to be near whatever the shuck those shanks were back there." Minho suggested.

Everyone agreed, running back to grab pillows and blankets so that we can stay in this room, instead.

We slumped to the ground, backs resting against the wall. There was nothing left to do now but wait. These were the only three rooms and without any other windows or doors, there was no way out. I was really getting sick of being trapped behind walls.

Everything about this was so familiar. It had to be wicked. It just had to be.

We jumped at the sound of a toilet flushing. There was a door inside the room, but we just assumed it was a bathroom, like ours, so we never checked it.

The door opened and a boy walked out. He looked to be about the the age of 15 or 16. He was small with cropped brown hair, only a few inches taller me. He had blue eyes that were wide as they assessed us.

I would be pretty scared too if I went to go pee and came out to find 19 boys and a girl in my bedroom.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Newt asked, pulling me slightly behind him at the possible threat. I rolled my eyes, how could one scrawny guy take on newt, let alone the rest of us. He was just being paranoid as always.

"Who are you!" He challenged back.

"Look buddy there is twenty of us and only one of you, so start talking." Minho cracked his fists as he walked closer to the boy. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes again; of course Minho would act like he was the tough guy.

"There is only one of you shanks right?" Thomas walked into the bathroom, checking to see if anyone else was in there, before walking out.

Of course there was only him. There is only one bed after-all.

"Shanks?" The boy lost all of his fear within a few seconds, a sarcastic tone taking over. He obviously wouldn't understand our glader slang.

"We ask the questions here, you do the talking. So start answering. Who are you and what's going on?" Minho growled.

"My names Aris. Look I don't know what's going on either! I was with a group of girls and they took us here, gave us medical attention, food, beds, and when I woke up I was alone. That's the only thing that's happened until you guys showed up."

"Who's they?" Newt interjected, still keeping me slightly behind him.

"I don't know. I never got any names. They rescued us from the maze after wicked got killed."

"Wait wait wait. You came from a maze? With a group of girls, wicked died, and then these people came and rescued you." Thomas crossed his arms, clearly not believing that the same thing could have happened to him.

"Yes." He almost screamed.

I could tell he was getting scared again and desperately wanted us to believe him.

"Were you the only boy there?" I asked, coming out from behind newt. He grimaced at me, but let me when I gave him an 'it's okay' look.

Aris nodded his head frantically.

"And did weird things start happening after you came up from a box. And then after that only one more female came up who helped you find a way out?"

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