Chapter 22

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Carly's P.O.V.-

Talking. Why is there so much talking?

Where's Newt?

And why is my head ponding with each beat of my pulse? I can only guess this is what it feels like to be hung over.

I go to put my head in my hands when my wrists tighten against straps.

What the hell? Am I tied up? Why I am tied up?

I look around rapidly, causing my vision to blur for a few seconds before returning to normal.

Everyone is staring at me. The three Cranks from the ally are standing in front of us, while Thomas, Newt, and Brenda are restrained like me.

Brenda has tape across her mouth and I realize I do too when I begun to moan into it in fear. Newt looks relieved and scared at the same time, while Brenda is staring at the wall in front of her with a void look. Did they do something to her? She's usually snarky when she doesn't get her way.

Thomas looks annoyed as he fidgets in his seat and the Cranks look as though they are deciding what to do with us.

All of these details hit me in a matter of seconds but it feels like it's been hours since I woke up. Now the questions come pouring in:

What are they gonna do to us?

What do they want?

How long has it been?

Why did I pass out?

How did everyone else get here?

And many more flooded through my brain.

"Nice of you to finally join us." Jack snickers, looking me over, "We were worried you weren't gonna wake up for a second there."

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. Why wouldn't I wake up?

I look over to Newt who's glaring at the Crank in anger. I must be missing something. How long was I out for?

"Are you gonna let us out or not?" Thomas groans, gesturing to the obscenely sharp knife in his hand.

Jack purses his lips in thought, "Hmmm. No."

"What! Why? We answered all of your questions. And we weren't lying, you said so yourself!"

"True, but Sarah's right. We can't risk our safety by letting you out."

"So what? Your just gonna let us rot down here? You said you didn't want us dead so you have to let us go at one point. Unless you want to carry us around in these chairs."

"Great idea. That's an option." The Crank chuckles back.

I roll my eyes. That's just great Thomas. Why don't you tell them to go find and trap the rest of our friends as well while you're at it.

"What do you even want to do to us?"

"You guys are valuable. If Wicked wants you then we could sell you for thousands of dollars, maybe even millions."

Sell us?

Newt rolls his eyes and I can tell he's getting angry, "Do you think Wicked is actually going to pay you? If you believe that then you're even crazier than I bloody thought. They're liars. They lied to all of us, not just you. They will be here in a second with armed men to shoot you down before you can blink a shucking eye."

I stare at Newt with wide eyes, afraid of what their reaction might be.

Jack kneels down in front of him, toying with the knife in his hands, "Is that a threat?"

"No. It's a warning. And the truth. You know I'm right."

The Crank purses his lips in thought, "Well then we might as well sell you to the first willing buyer and they can deal with the government."

"What!" Thomas screams in protest.

"Shut up!" He kicks him in the leg causing Thomas to cry out.

I pull against my restraints to reach my brother as I scream profanities at them, although the only sound that can be heard is loud muffles from the tape.

"I don't know Jack. Thomas is the only valuable one. What do we do with the others? I don't want wicked coming after us." Andrew says worriedly from the corner.

"Kill them and dispose of the bodies. We don't need them."

"All of them?"

"What do you mean?"

Andrew nods his head in Brenda and My direction, "They might be valuable. I mean just look at her."

Newt's head whips to look at me, concern growing on his face.

"You think we should sell then to the black market?" Sarah pipes in, scrunching her nose in disgust at me.

Black market? They sell humans on the black market? Fear begins to consume me as they look me up and down in the chair.

Usually I'd be offended by Sarah's judgment, but at this moment I couldn't agree with her more.

"Both of them?"

"The other girl could probably sell for just as much."

"No, she's been here longer. She only has so much time left before the Flare takes over. Her on the other hand" Andrew nods his head towards me, "she has months left. Which means she worth more."

They all seem to ponder this thought as I Brenda and I exchange a look. She looks afraid and fights on her restraints. She must know what the black market means but I have absolutely zero idea.

"You're not going to bloody touch her!" Newt thrashes in his seat.

"Shut up! I won't hesitate to shoot you!" The girl screams.

I whimper in response, my eyes growing wide. Newt doesn't seem to care though because he continues to fight the tape holding his wrists in place on the chair to get to me.

The man sighs, grabbing the gun from Sarah to aim it at my head instead. It's so close I can see right down the barrel of the gun and I can't help but to gulp.

That gets newt to stop as he stares at me in fear. Thomas is frozen too as he looks at me.

I flinch as the Crank reaches out his hand to grab my chin, turning my head to the side, "Absolutely zero signs of the Flare. We could probably get a couple hundred, maybe even more. Depends how desperate they are. I'm sure they'll want her either way though."

"If we're gonna move her we better do it now. Some of the other Cranks saw Thomas enter and I don't want a show down." Andrew twitches with a smirk on his face.

I scream against the tape on my mouth, trying to speak.

"I think she wants to say something."

"You don't say?" Jack rolls his eyes, before ripping the tape off of my face.

My eyes water as I wince from the sting.

"What do you want?"

"If I go with you will you let my friends go?"

"Carly! No-" Newt growls but he cuts off when jack holds his finger out.

"You'll come with us either way. There's one of you and three of us."

"If you let them go I wont fight you. I'll go willingly. I'll do whatever you want."

He chuckles, "They're too valuable. Cute though. I always hated young love."

He places the tape back over my mouth before I can protest. What even is the black market? And why would they want to sell me to it?

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