Part 39: The final Chapter

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I scoot back away from the door, feeling an immense amount of relief. We made it, most of us. We made it through Cranks, and lighting, and hideous monsters. We made it. I bump into Newt, turn towards him, pull him in and hug him tightly, forgetting what had happened for a second. We made it.

Guards ruin the moment,

"Who are these two people?" He shouts.

I jerk away to see who it is. A man with short red hair, holding a black pistol pointed at Jorge and Brenda, who sat next to one another, shivering and bruised.

"Somebody answer me!" He yells again.

Thomas speaks up, "They helped us get through the city- we wouldn't be here if it weren't for them."

The man snapped his head towards him, "You picked them up along the way?"

He nods, "We made a deal, promised them they could get the cure. We still have less people than we started with."

"We didn't say you could bring citizens."

The berg begins to climb higher in the sky, the hatch reopening and causing me to scream lightly as I push newt and I away from it.

The wind picks up and we all brace our selves before any one of us goes tumbling to our death by hitting the turbulence.

"You can keep one of them. The other goes, understand." He clicks something on the gun and holds it close to her head, "You have five seconds to decide. Don't choose and they both die. One."

"Wait!" I scream with wide eye. They stare at us with pale faces, saying nothing.

"Two. Three."

We all look at Thomas as he holds the gun tighter in his hand.


"Brenda!" He screams, panic in his eyes.

The man grabs Brenda by the shirt walking her to the edge of the door and I see something on Thomas's face. Like he thought they would take whomever he didn't choose. But he was wrong.

As they near the edge he jumps forward and slams into the man's knees causing him to fall. He puts his elbow against his neck and reaches for the gun, pointing it at him this time.

"No one else die." He says breathing heavily, "If we haven't done enough to pass your tests then we fail! It's over."

He's right. The senseless killing and dying has to end.

"My names David," He says as the hatch closes once again, "and don't worry, you're right. It's all over."

I don't believe him and I doubt that anyone else does.

Thomas nods mockingly, "Yeah we've heard that before and this time we mean it. We aren't gonna sit back and be treated like rats anymore."

David stands up, holding his hands up in defense, "What you don't understand is that everything has gone and will continue to go as planned. But you're right, the Trials are complete. We're taking you to a place of safety- a real place of safety. No more tests, no more lies, no more setups. No more pretending." He looks at me as he says all this. As though he knows I will never believe a word they'll say again. Maybe they were watching us. Either way, he'd be right. I won't.

He pauses, "When you hear why we've put you through this, and why it's so important that many of you survived, you'll understand. I promise you'll understand."

Minho snorts averting the mans attention to him, "That's the biggest bunch of klunk I've ever heard in my life."

I'm glad he hasn't lost his fire.

"We were promised a cure. For us and the two people who helped get us here. How can we believe anything you tell us?"

We don't. But I'm not going to destroy anyone's hope.

"Think what you want for now, but things will change from here on out. And you'll get the cure just like you were told. As soon as we get to headquarters and you can keep that gun by the way. We'll even give you some more if you'd like." I bet they just gotta press a button and they stop working, why else would they give us them? "They'll be nothing else for you to fight against, no tests or trails to ignore or refuse. Our berg will land, you'll see that your safe and cured, and then you can do what you want. All we will ever ask you to do is listen and I'm sure you're intrigued as to what's behind all of this."

"No more games." Thomas says in a calm voice but with a tense jaw.

"First sign of trouble and we fight." Minho says. I smile at him.

"We'd expect nothing less at this point." David smiles at him but eyes me from the side as though he's trying to figure me out. I raise my brow at him in a challenge.

Newt speaks up this time, "What's next on the bloody agenda?"

"Just thought you'd like to get cleaned up, medical attention, eat something, sleep. It's a very long flight."

We all spent a few seconds exchanging glances. But in the end we followed. We really had no other option.


I sit on a medical bed across from Newt. All I can think about is the deja vu. The rooms are practically the same as the first time when they "saved us" from the maze. Even the doctors were the same, which sadly confirmed my suspicions in the cafeteria. They had killed random people before and left them there to rot with us.

Everyone has the same confused expressions as me. Wondering how we went full circle only to come back into the setting we tried so desperately to get out of. Wicked even went so far as to ask us the same questions, clean our wounds in the same order, and then bring out a shot fill of nutrients that I lied about to Newt the first time around. The entire time Newt and I stare wildly into each other's eyes. The same thoughts going through our minds as though we are connected as one.

They send us off to a separate room, one with couches and tables. But instead of pizza, there was a feast; chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, bread, meatloaf, and a huge chocolate cake with strawberries. We stared at it in awe. Quickly digging in before they even have time to tell us. We haven't spoken a word to each other and we still don't as we eat. We're afraid of the imminent doom. We all know it's the same, but we were promised something different and none of us want to face this reality.

Nothing seems normal until Minho let's out a loud belch causing some of the females to look at him with disgusted expressions. He winks at them in response. Newt livens and grabs my hand in his tightly.

He opens his mouth to speak when a voice comes over a loud speaker,

"We thank you for being so patient in this process and for being cooperative. If you'd be so kind as to head back to the main room where you first entered, you'll be able to sleep peacefully until we arrive at your destination. Thank you." The voice is chirpy and formal and makes me want to roll my eyes at it. I hate how he says your destination like this is vacation that we chose to go on.

We go back to where the hatch opens and I fully expect it to be a trick when, sure enough, about thirty couches were placed randomly throughout the room each one with a blanket, a pillow, and our names assigned to it. For the first time they were calling us by our names, not our numbers. Then I think of the tattoo on my neck and wonder if mine will come true, even if no one else's does. This journey isn't over yet, so who's to say any of us are safe.

Everyone looks hopeful, but I can see the questioning in Newts eyes, in Thomas's, and in Minho's. And as I look at everyone else I know we lost some already. I know. We're going to have to fight this war alone.

And that's it for book two!! I'll write an authors note when I get book three up and I'll tell you guys what it's called again to help you find it. Sorry for making you wait so long and thank you for sticking with it for this long! I really appreciate it guys!!

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