Chapter 27

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Newt's P.O.V-

"C'mon Newt. Help Carly. Cause this isn't." Tommy grabs my wrist, willing me to the let the Crank go.

I drop him to the ground, giving him one last swift kick in the gut before making my way to Carly, "You said you can help her. How?" I look at Jorge. I still don't trust him or Brenda. They're conniving and manipulative, but if he can help Carly then maybe I can cut them some slack.

"I know how to remove bullets, I've done it before. But she's losing too much blood and we can't be out in the open like this. Nighttime is coming and we need to get inside." He looks at his surroundings as if he can see someone watching us.

I nod my head. I hate listening to him but it's for Carly's sake, so at his words, I take her in my arms, "Lead the way."

We start moving, the guys forming a pact around me to protect Carly.

"Can I carry her?" Tommy asks with his hands out, a solemn look on his face.

I know that he's her brother and I know that I'm being selfish but there's no way in bloody hell that that was happening. I don't answer as we continue to move along.

"I love her too you know. We aren't as open about it, but I do."

That's all he says as he sighs and takes the lead with Jorge. He must understand how I feel and that's why he went to protect in the front.

I hate taking her away from Tommy I really do. But I also know how it feels to have her taken away from me and if this is the last chance that I will ever get to hold her in my arms then I'm not going to give it away. Even if my ankle burns with every step I take. I'd take the pain for Carly any day.

Just as the sun disappears behind the skyline, we step into an abandoned house. I'm still shocked by how much the temperature  decreases the second the sun goes away. It's unreal, almost like it's being controlled even though I know that's ridiculous and impossible.

I carry Carly up the stairs of the house in search of a bed that isn't complete wasted away. The master bedroom has one with a wide bedspread on top of it. I gently place her on top of it before throwing off the sheets.

"Alright everybody out! Get some rest and eat for the night. There's nothing you need to see here." Tommy waves the Gladers our, leaving himself with Jorge and me.

"Do you have the stuff you need?"

"Yes hermano, but you're not gonna like it too much."

"What the shuck does that mean?" I growl, placing myself in front of Carly as a barrier.

He rolls his eyes at me, "I don't have any drugs and this hurts like a bitch. If she wakes up during the middle of it, there's gonna be screaming."

Oh. I nod my head in understanding, "Just make it quick." I spit back. I shouldn't be so mean to him considering that he's helping me, but can you blame me? Everything, my entire world, is about to be ripped out of my hands if this doesn't work.

He gets out a knife, bringing it to the bottom of her shirt.

Woah woah woah. Nuh uh. No way. I haven't even seen her shirtless yet and there was no way in hell he was going to.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Tommy beats me to it, stepping in the way.

"I can't stitch her up if she has a shirt on. And we can't take it off normally because she got shot in the shoulder so we can't move her arms."

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