Chapter 9

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It was cold for a split second before I felt warm again.

I was surrounded by darkness.

My breath quickened. I knew it! They separated us! Why did I ever let go of Newt!

"Hey watch it!" Someone who's voice I vaguely recognized as one of the gladers scolded me.

Oh thank god, "Newt? Why is it dark?"

"Carly?" Newts voice asked, clearly searching for me in the darkness.

"Over here."

"Very specific." He was always sarcastic when he was moody.

"Just follow the sound of my voice." I rolled my eyes, holding my arms out so that he could grab on to me once he finds me.

I felt large hands embrace me and I sighed into his grasp. Although I couldn't see him I knew it was him.

"What do we do now?" Minho asked from the front, impatient.

"Just keep walking down the hallway until we get out of this tunnel. Everyone stay close to your buddy and no one get lost. Stay in line." Thomas ordered as he made his way to the front, taking his leading stance once again.

"Don't let go of my hand for a second." Newt demanded, grasping it tightly.

I wouldn't dream of it.

We walked for some time, sliding our hands against the wall so that we could follow the curving path of the tunnel.

I was beginning to think I was going crazy when I heard whispers. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it sounded like it was coming from above us.

Then the voices got louder. Deeper.

"Turn back now."

We all stopped dead in our tracks.

"Turn back now or you will die." The voice said it seriously, void of emotion.

"Should we go back?" Frypan asked shakily?

"No we can't. You heard what they said, we will be killed if we stay behind." Thomas stated.

"But they just said we would die if we don't go."

"It's just a trick. Besides, the Flat Trans closed ten minutes ago. We can't go back."

We all stayed silent for a minute before continuing on, excepting our fate. My heart beat quickened. I didn't like this. There was no way wicked would play a joke like that. What if they were going to kill us either way? I clutched Newt's hand tighter just as there was an ear splitting scream behind me.

"Who the shuck was that?"

"Someone got hit by something!"

"Ok I'm coming back there!" Thomas pushed his way past me in the darkness as the scream echoed through the tunnel.

Minho ran back to help and I could tell that Newt wanted to help as well. It could have been his friend after all.

"Help him Newt."

He hesitates before finding the closest glader and putting my small hand in his. His hand was smaller than Newt's, but larger than mine. It was colder, which I didn't like, but I accepted it for newt's sake.

"This is Carly. Don't bloody let her go! Understand!" He demanded urgently.

"Good that." He sounded trustworthy.

"Don't move." I could hear the worry in his voice.

"What is it?"

"I don't-Ahh! I burned my shucking hand!"


"Wait it's hardening?"

The screaming abruptly stopped. The silence ringing in my ears, before the sound of a heavy ball rolling sounded in my ears.


Wait what! Did he just say that! That's not possible! They are killing us!

"Alright everyone keep going, but run this time!" Thomas yells, pushing everyone forward as he takes the lead again.

I stay in place until Newt takes my hand in his again. We run down the dark corridor. The boys scream occasionally as whips of air rushe past them. Sometimes even cutting their skin as they hit them.

I run into Newts back as the gladers stop abruptly.

"Shucking hell! I busted my knees on the stairs!" Minho complains.

"We don't have time for this!" Thomas stumbles up the stairs approaching what appears to be a door. I could tell form the shape of the doorknob.

He opens it, sending blinding light in through the hole. And I mean blinding.

He slams it shut as our eyes readjust.

"Did they send us to the shucking sun?" Frypan askes appalled?

"It shucking seems like it."

"We can't stay here." Someone protests from the back. If I was in the back of the line I'd be freaking out as well. We haven't been out of the room for 20 minutes and one of us was dead already.

"What if one of us gets hit agai-" Winstons words were cut off by a whip of air and then a blood curling scream.


Thomas and Minho ran after him while newt cracked the door open so we could see what was going on.

Cool, liquid medal seemed to be morphing to the side of Winston's head. I assumed that it hardened and detached when it fully covered its objective. I wanted to throw up as I watched Thomas grab the half liquid, half solid medal in his hands, prying it and some of the skin off of Winston's face. He screams the entire time making me cover my ears.

Newt shuts the door when his screams turn to whispers, leaving us in darkness again, "We should leave before this happens again. Wicked clearly wants us to move on so-"

I scream as I feel something hard hit my right side, clutching it as I fall to the ground.

"Carly!" Thomas and Newt scream in unison. I can't speak from the pain.

I feel strong arms scoop me into their arms as I heave and Thomas is throwing commands right and left.

"Everyone use the leftover bedsheets as a cover from the sun. We don't have enough for everyone so share with your buddy. Move!"

Light blinds me as I'm carried into the sun and placed gently on the hot sand. Sand? Did they seriously drop us off in the middle of the freaking desert?

"Carly? What's wrong!" Newts eyes scanned my body. He pried my hands from where I was holding them against my side, slightly lifting up my shirt to reveal a bloody gash with a surrounding bruise that's beginning to form.

"She got hit by whatever those bloody things were!", he was talking to Thomas who I didn't even realize had asked a question in the rush of the moment, "She needs to be cleaned up, but she's fine otherwise."

"Why can't she breathe?!" Thomas panicked.

"Slim it Tommy. She just got the wind knocked out of her alright."

Newt got to work on my cut. Using water to wash away the blood, ignoring my protests on wasting the water, and then dabbing it with a sheet in replacement of a Bandaid.

When I caught my Breath he held a sheet over our heads. Providing little shade from the scorching sun.


The Scorch Trials have official begun.

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