Chapter 25

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"What do you mean you'd just found us?" Thomas seems so happy by the fact that his friends are alive, but I can't blame him because I'm happy too.

"Jorge's been leading us through the city-avoiding Cranks, finding food. "Yesterday morning, we kind of spread out, spying here and there. Frypan was peeking around the corner into that alley up there just as those three shanks pulled a gun on you guys. He came back, we got mad, started planning our ambush. Most of those shanks were wasted or asleep." Minho gives a more detailed version of the story he told me earlier.

Wasted or asleep? So were those guys just unconscious upstairs or were they actually dead? I don't want anymore death on our hands.

Thomas plops back down in his chair, "Oh, man. Anybody got some aspirin?"

Only Minho laughs before offering him a hand, "Come on dude. Headache or no headache, we need to go. No telling how long we can keep the prisoners up there quiet and still."

I sigh knowing that no one had actually been killed.

"Prisoners?" Thomas repeats.

"Whatever you wanna call them-we can't risk letting them go until we get out. We've got half our guys holding more than fifteen. And they aren't too happy. They might start thinking they can take us pretty soon. Once they get rid of their hangovers."

At this, Thomas stands up again, although much more slowly this time. He sucks in a deep breath before looking at Minho, "I'll be fine."

I'm sure his head is pounding at this point, along with Newt's whose face is scrunched up. I can't tell if it's because he's in pain or if he's still worried about me.

Minho flashes my brother a smile, "Such a man. Come on."

Now that I'm able to focus on things other than Newt, the smell of the previous room hits me before I even enter it.

Sweat and vomit.

The bodies still litter the floor, some sleeping, some huddled together on the floor shivering. Jorge and Aris were there standing guard, slowly turning circles with knives drawn and pointing.

I was grateful for Jorge, even if the only reason he was helping us was for Brenda. He still had to travel with Minho without hurting him. And luckily by the looks of him, his burn wounds had pretty much healed and a relationship between the two has formed. Although it may be a love hate one.

Thomas sees frypan and the other Gladers too, "What happened to you guys! Where have you been?"

"Hey it's Thomas!" Frypan roars, "As ugly and alive as ever!"

"Hey! I'm offended considering that I look like him." I playfully scoff.

"Yeah but you're the hot version of him. He's like the ugly twin. He got the athletic abilities and you got the looks."

"Um thanks fry?" I laugh in return.

I'm surprised that Newts the next to speak since his jaws been locked in place once he saw my injury, "Glad you're not bloody dead. I'm really really glad."

"You too." They say back in unison.

I almost forgot that Newt used to be the second in command. Everyone looked up to him and they still do, just differently. We're all a family and it hurts to lose family.

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