Chapter 19

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Where is he?

"Newt? Newt please!" I call but he doesn't answer back in the darkness.

He promised he wouldn't leave me. He promised.

I lean my hand against the tunnel wall feeling my way throw the black passages.

A cackle. They're coming, but I don't even care. All I care about is Newt.

"Carly!" He sounds scared and in pain.

"Newt! Tell me where you are! I'm coming hold on!"

I go to run after his voice but my feet are stuck. What the? Why can't I run?! I try to move my feet but it's like they've been cemented to the ground. The cackling behind me grows louder while Newt's screen turn to anger.

"Don't bloody touch me! I want to see her! Let me see her!"

"Newt? Don't touch him! Where are you?"

A hand with long nails grips my arm, it's not Newt.

Then everything changes, the blackness turning into a hazy white.

"Don't bloody tough me? I want to see her! Let me see her!"

Newt? Why did he say the same thing?

I'm in a white room with a bed and a desk. I have to think about it for a second before I remember where I am. Wicked head quarters. This was my room before I was put in the maze. I remember it from my last memory with Newt, it seemed like ages ago. Was this a memory too? Or was this my mind playing tricks on me?

I heard fighting outside of the door and then it slammed open with a heavy breathing Newt on the opposite side. He seemed to be about fifteen here. His eyes were bloodshot and I knew this couldn't be a memory. Everything was all too real.

"Newt what's-"

He runs up to me pulling me into him, "They're sending me to the maze, Carly. I'm leaving."

I can't breathe. My throat closes up, "They said they weren't gonna send us up. Newt! They can't send you up!"

"I know, I know. Carly don't believe anything else they tell you. You were right, their lying, about everything. All the disappearances. They weren't cured, they were sent up."

"Newt you have to escape. Thomas knows his way around this entire building. They trust him! We can get you out?"

"They'll find me. Even if they don't, they'll know it was you. You'll not getting punished because of me."

"We can fight this. We can... I don't know... we have to do something!" He pulls me back so he can look me in the eyes, crouching down so that we are eye level.

"I had to knock out one of the guards to come see you so we don't have a lot of time. Just listen to me alright, love?"

That word affects me the same way that it always does; it leaves my heart fluttering.

"I know I promised I would never leave you. And I will come back for you, I swear I will. I'm gonna get through the maze, I will remember and I'll do whatever it takes to get back here. I won't be long. And I don't want you worrying. Stay out of trouble cause I don't want you hurt either, but don't listen to anything they tell you. I don't know how many of us they are gonna put in there, but you're safe. They won't put any females in, okay? I'm so sorry Carly. I love you so much."

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