Chapter 17

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Carly's P.O.V.


He turned off the flashlight! Why would he turn off the flashlight when he knows I'm afraid of the dark?

I can feel his arm in mine, but it doesn't feel like he's actually there since I can't see him. He must be dragging his hand along the wall because he turns at unexpected moments, almost causing me to fall in the process.

Right, left, left, right, left.

We stop and I have to catch my breath from the fear of it all.

He puts a hand over my mouth gently and I know he's silently warning me to be quite but I can't control my breathing.

I'm spun into his chest as he hides his face into my hair, muffling both of our breathes.

I don't know how long we've been standing like this when my ear perks up at a sound. Or am I just imagining things? We can't stay like this until we die, we're gonna have to turn the light back on at some point. And what about Thomas and Brenda? I hope they made it out by now and are on there way to meeting the rest of the group. They have to get the cure, with or without us.

"Nose?" A cackle comes from the opposite end of the tunnel and I tense in Newt's arms.

Don't scream. Don't scream. Don't scream.

It sounds like the Cranks that we're following us had split up and I pray that he goes down another passage way.

As his footsteps sloshing in the water get louder, one of Newt's hands slide down in between us. What is he doing? Now's not the time to fix your shorts Newt!

His hand rests on something and everything becomes silent. I hold my breathe, and then instantly regret making that decision. When I run out of air I know I'm gonna gasp.


He must have turned somewhere. I pull slightly back from Newt now and he lifts his head from mine.

That's when I feel warm breathe hit the back of my neck, "Boo".

I scream a blood curling scream as the Crank grabs me from behind, digging his nails into my arms.

The light from the flashlight turns on, temporarily blinding me as I struggle against the man's grip. He cackles manically the entire time, coughing into my ear.

"Let go of her!" Newt screams in anger.

I hear a grunt and then a thud before toppling to the ground, the light falling with me.

Newt had the Crank on the floor of the tunnel. The light illuminated them, casting their shadows against the opposing wall. He had knocked him unconscious from the heavy metal of the flashlight, or maybe it was his hands that had knocked the Crank unconscious, and was now beating him senseless. I couldn't let Newt kill him. He was mad now, but he'd be upset later.

"Newt! Newt stop!" I attempt to grab his arm but he's too strong. His breathe comes in heavy waves as he grunts with each force of a punch.

"Newt! Listen to me! We have to go before others come! We have to get out of here! Newt please!" I'm sure the Crank is dead by now and I don't know how I feel about that. He wasn't really a person at this point, but an animal. Was it really that wrong of Newt, or am I just so used to death and destruction that this just looks like another minor inconvenience on our journey for freedom? This is why I'm selfish.

Newt stands up, wiping the blood off of his knuckles. At that moment I feared for him. Not because he just killed a Crank. But because of the look on his face. The look of pure rage, almost to the point of insanity. These past few days he's expressed his anger violently. We have to reach the safe haven. For Newt.

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