Chapter 23

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I scream against the tape as Jack whips his knife back around, slicing it quickly across my skin. The tape falls freely from my bound hands and feet and I grip the chair out of fear.

They can't take me away!

Newt thrashes in his seat as Jack begins to pull me up, me kicking him in protest.

He throws me onto the floor harshly and sighs, "We can do this the easier way or the hard way it's your choice!" He growls.

He doesn't give me time to answer. Well he does, but I use it to hit him in the face with the back of my hand. I told him I would put up a fight if he didn't let them go. He didn't listen, so this is what he gets.

"God dammit!" He glares at me, waving a hand at the man behind him, "Andrew!"

Andrew smirks as he makes his way towards me. I move backwards along the floor, using my heels as I scream in fear.

"Get away from her!"

"Don't bloody touch her!"

Newt and Thomas's tape is straining against the pressure of them fighting to get lose to get to me.

Meanwhile Brenda is pushing the full force of her body against her chair causing the chair to move towards me. In that moment I realize Brenda is trying to save me. I make eye contact with her and I know I have to keep fighting than face whatever they have planned for me.

"Hurry up Andrew!" He turns to them, "Keep moving and I won't hesitate to shoot her, I don't care how much she's worth!" He points the gun at their faces.

Andrew quickly follows his orders, bending down to grab me, but I kick him in the shin before he has time. Brenda watches with wide eyes, looking back and forth between everyone's faces.

He whips his hand back, punching me in the face, causing my vision to go blurry as I lay unmoving on the ground.

"Carly! I'm going to shucking kill you!" He sees the Crank bring his arm back again for another one, but he stops when Newt cries out, "No wait! Please stop! Don't hurt her! Please! I'll do anything, just please stop!" Tears run down Newt's face as he struggles to get to me and my heart aches for him. Please don't make it worse Newt. Please stay quiet. They're already taking me away from you. I couldn't bare it if something happened to you because of me. Please.

Andrew picks up my limp body, still shocked from the hit, and carries me around a corner they must have came in from. I can hear Newt's grunts as he tries to break free, but I can't understand what he's saying because Thomas is yelling again too.

I start fidgeting in the Cranks arms, kicking my legs and pounding my fists against his back. At this rate he might drop me on my face, but I don't care as long as I'm free.

His grip on me only tightens and I feel useless and weak. I scream against the tape. Someone has to hear me, and come help. There has to be someone here not so far past the gone to let something like this happen. Right? I can barely believe it myself, but I have to.

I hear the sound of a metal door opening before I'm thrown in the back of a van. He smiles at me before slamming the door shut and locking it.

I rip the tape off of my mouth with my now free hands as I run to the door and tug on the handle, but it won't budge.

"Please! Let me out! Can anyone hear me? Anyone!" My voice is hoarse and cracking from all the screaming I've been doing but I can't stop trying. My life and Newt's depends on it. I have to escape. For him. For Thomas. Our only family left is each other.

There's blood streaks on the door from me pounding it over and over again. The truck begins to shake as the engine rumbles to life and I scream in protest again.

"Please! Help me!" My voice gets higher with every scream.

The truck jerks forward causing me to lose my footing and hit the wall of the truck. I groan in pain as I slide against the wall, leaning my back against it.

I can't help but to stare down at my blood dyed hands. I feel a burning sensation in my face and reach up to touch if.

More blood. His hit must have been harder than I previously thought. I don't care though, I'm alive. I won't stop fighting until I'm free. They can do whatever they want to me, but I will never stop fighting. They had Newt to use against me before, but now I have nothing left. Newt's life will go on and I know he will escape with Thomas. He's smart like that and now that Andrews with me, there's only two of them to fend off. I just hope they get the cure in time and that Newt doesn't come back for me. Then he can live a normal life and meet someone better than me. All I ever did was fight with him and hold him back. I don't know why he ever wanted to stay with me and know I'm beginning to wonder if it was only because I was the only girl in the Glade. And now I feel guilty for even thinking that because I know Newt has too big of a heart to ever do something like that which makes me feel even dirtier for him ever loving me. He deserves so much better and now he can have it because I won't be holding him back. At least some good will come out of this. I just hope he won't have to wait too long and that him and Thomas will stay together and-

My thoughts are interrupted by shouting outside of the truck as it jerks to a stop, throwing me sideways again. Man I really gotta work on my balance some more.

I hear footsteps approaching the door and then fumbling with the lock.

This is it. I know I'm not strong but I have to try. The second he opens the door I'm gonna run for it, and I won't stop until I'm far far away. Even if I end up back in that city, I won't stop until I'm safe.

My plans are interrupted when the door swings open, the sun streaming in and blinding me instantly.

I bring my hands up to my face to shield the blinding light before gasping at a familiar voice.

"You look cozy? Did you miss me?"


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