Chapter 38

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I pushed ahead for a closer inspection. Even before I got there, I could read the words printed on the ribbon, black and orange.


The world became quite for a moment. Thomas falls to his knees beside me and numbly reaches out to touch the flapping orange ribbon.

This is the safe haven? Not a building, a shelter, something?

Then, as quickly as it happened, sound rushed back to me, snapping me to reality. To the rush of wind and conversation and to Newt breathing worriedly in my ear.

Thomas glances at his watch, "We have over an hour left. Our safe haven is a stick in the ground?"

"Wasn't so bad, when you think about it," Minho says, "Half of us made it here. Looks like even more of the girlie group."

Thomas stands up, clearly trying to control his anger, "The Flare turn you crazy already? Yeah, we got here. Safe and sound. To a stick."

Minho scoffs at him while we all stare at the argument taking place before us, "Dude, they wouldn't send us here for no reason. We made it in the time they gave us. Now we just wait until the clock ticks down and something will happen."

I couldn't help but to think what? Something always happens, and it's always more dangerous each time...

"That's what worries me." Thomas adds, mimicking my thoughts, like we're on the same wavelength.

"Hate to say it," Teresa adds, "But I agree with Thomas. After everything they've done to us, it'd be way too easy to have a little sigh here, and then they come get us in a helicopter as a reward. Something bad's gonna happen."

I hate her but I can't help but to agree with the both of them.

"I don't want to hear another word from you." Minho walks away, hiding none of the hatred he feels for her, angrier than we've ever seen him.

"You shouldn't be surprised." Thomas says to a taken aback Teresa.

She shrugs, "I'm sick of apologizing. I did what I had to do."

"Whatever. I'm going to talk to Newt. I want-"

"What did you need to do exactly?" I interrupt, looking at her seriously.

"Huh?" She looks surprised that I'm even speaking to her.

"Don't play dumb. What did you "need to do" with my brother."

"Carly we'll discuss this later. I need to talk to Newt now."

"There might not be a later Thomas. Not if they don't come."

Newt tenses at my words behind me, hating the idea of being left to die but also hating going back to wicked. There's no way to win and they know it.

"I would just like to add Teresa, that they did a lot of shit to you, I'm not denying that. But I think the reason there's more of you is not because you're stronger, but because after the maze trials, you didn't go through what we went through. Am I right? You guys didn't even go through the Crank filled city, did you? You went around and hid in the mountains while we had to fall behind because we were getting kidnapped, beaten, and shot. Correct me if I'm wrong?"

She just glares at me, giving me her answer.

"That's what I thought." I say smug, but wishing it was the opposite way around and that we didn't have to endure this pain.

Brenda appears out of the crowd, glancing back and forth between Thomas and Teresa and I can't help but to smirk at her. I'm practically screaming 'get your man' in my head.

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